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what the hell's goint on to my face???help!!!

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Ok my school starts next tuesday, and my face started getting worse this monday. I have huge zits on my forehead, and nothing helps! they won't go away! I dont wanna look ugly in the first day of my junior year! I didnta have any problems since I was 14! And now again?

Please help, what do I do (at home, no doctors)? I tried everything!

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what can I say? I had a black head not to long ago I poped it and squeezed out the oils, two days I had a scab, then it never came back. =} but zits on the forhead.... I would say that you should try a zit cream at the store or something, but it might not be oil there is a new 3&1 I don't know if it is male\female or uni or what, but I think that kind of thing might help. other than that, you should pop them {learned in health class} when they get a black end at the top of it, or if they get white. But it really depends. but if you want it is common to see a doctor about such things but not totaly nessacary to do.

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Ok now popping zits is NOT what I recommend you do. It can leave scars and cause pain. If over the counter medications(ie clearisil etc etc...) don't work see your doctor. There is very effective prescription medications that can help. Don't be shy about asking your doctor, that's what they're there for


All the best. Jeff.

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hello and welcome to eNotalone...


Let me just reassure you that what you are going through, we have (or almost all!) been through also.


During times of stress, worry, anxiety, fear, upheaval our bodies react in certain ways. One of these ways is the over production of sebaceous fluids which basically means that no matter how much water we drink or good food that we eat, or how we cleanse that these darned spots still appear.


However, I would still recommend drinking lots of water, eating well and cleansing because as time goes on and you become less stressed your face will appear clearer and more glowy.


If there is any reassurance for you i am 32 and had my first load of spots last year...they came and went within a few months but at 32 you dont expect that to happen!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem used to have lots of zits. But I use proactive and it helps alot but you cant touch your face and dont pop the zits dont even touch them just act like they dont exist. Dont where makeup even the kind that doesnt cloge the pores that just makes it worse because your adding two different chemicals to your face and it might make the problem worse. Just try not to worry about the pimples too much so you can get rid of them.

Good Luck.


If this doesnt work get some bangs.

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