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Why does it hurt so bad ?? What is this

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I had sex week ago, and my thigh hurts and when I pee it usually hurt but after drinking water it wont hurt, but the thigh to right will hurt, and I'll have some abdominal pain to the left right above my penis, I dont get any strange discharge or anything, its clear pee, my question is do I have STD or something ??? Ever since sex, next day I was so sick, tired, confused, dizzy and everything... I went to my doc, he gave me some antibiotics (its been about 3 days of taking it), I guess it feel little better, but where still waiting for blood report, in mean while do you know what can the cause be ? Oh ya, when he took a pee sample, he says he couldnt find white blood cell, so that he dont think its UTI or calaymida or gonoorea or anything, but the blood report will help ? Do you know the cause of pain on the tigh and little pain when pee ??


Thanx if you can help me

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Hey mate I wouldn't be worrying too much yet. I don't know much about std's but I really doubt you'd be feeling the effects that soon after. Was it the first time you had sex? If so then this would be the reason you're feeling strange. If not, well maybe you did something different this time or perhaps the female in question was a little tighter than your average.


Alot of strange things can happen down there that often we won't have a clue what the hell is going on but usually things will sort themselves out. Anyway the doctor should be able to clear things up for you.


Best of luck with this, and don't start worrying until you know for sure.

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perhaps you ahve a hernia or a strained muscle. sounds to me like you might possible have a hernia, i dont think that you would have an std if the symptoms started right away. ya got your load off right? maybe ya have blue balls sorry.....just drink lots of fluids and dont worry too much.

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