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How do i know what i feel?

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I broke up with my boy yesterday. I don't know if i like him or not and i thought he deserved to be let go until i figured out my feelings. But i want him back, im trying to figure out why though... See i don't know if i want him back cuz i know he cared and i like that feeling (i'm trying to be honest here so i know how stupid that sounds) or if i want him for him. Any ideas on how to tell the difference. I don't want to lose him when i love him but i don't wanna get him back to find out i don't like him. I know this sounds stupid but i dunno... I guess i just need a lil help figuring out my head.

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IMO no way to tell, too many factors. Pretty much its purely emotional. In a situation like this my inner dialogue sounds something like this: How do I tell what my feelings mean so I can make a decision... I guess whatever decision I make thats how I was feeling. LOL. A lot of people like to say that if you dont know then the answer IS no, but I like to think that anything is possible. Anyway, ignore most of that advice because you are 15, who knows anything about how they feel when they are 15 honestly? Haha.

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If you feel for him, and he's nice, and makes you happy... then maybe you should try and stick with him.


Think about any problems you have and if you can get past them.


Most of all, if you liked him enough... you'd know. Then again I'm one to give everyone a chance.


This probably doesn't help but that's what I have.

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You should also consider him - you have already dumped him once and to do it twice becuase you can't make up your mind would be careless of his feelings. Let him find a girl who really does know that she cares for him and won't hurt him.

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Lion-guy he said he'd take me back thats how i know. But yeah i do see your point...


bitbit Maybe your right. Maybe if i cared enough i wouldn't have to ask...


DN Thanks i think i needed to be reminded of that... I can't keep leading him on and only concidering myself. His a good guy he don't deserved to be played like a toy


Agathon he is a good guy and he makes me incrediably happy, just by seeing him sign on i still smile (dumb i know) but i think i see him more of a brotherly figure. Someone to go to advice to. When i started liking this girl he was the first person i wanted to tell. and it shouldn't be like that.


Fisch You're right, im 15 i still have alot of life left. I guess im just caught up in lust right now. I confused it for something that might last so i freaked out. Thanks.


Thanks everyone You all helped me realise something... And i guess i'm gonna leave him be. Its not fair to play with a guys feelings.

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