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This one is for the GUYS, help!

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Be firm in your resolve for a long term solution to this. Everytime you sleep with him, it's a short term fix to a long term problem. Lay it on the line for him that it is either a committed relationship or nothing and don't settle for anything less...stick to your guns!




I agree 500% this time.....

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I say you cut every tie you have....if he loves you...HE WILL MAKE THE EFFORT!!



Don't tell him your cutting contact...JUST DO IT!!!


You are NO ONE's FOOL!! Stop letting him take advantage of you and make HIM MAKE A CHOICE!


If he comes around GREAT...if he doesn't...You have answered your own question.






Good Luck!!!


Your Friend,




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Depends: All the days of the week throughout the year! sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and sat... no particular day...

Why gOD?



I kind of thought it might be like that. I would say if it’s sporadic and not falling in to a pattern I would say you’re not his number 1 girl. This might not be true depending on his job or maybe he is just not the type of a person to fall in to a pattern.


Example: Said guy only calls you after other plans fall through with girl number one.

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Hi Guys!


Ok this is what Ive done, made it clear to him that he should contact me only if he opens his eyes a little more and if he wants a correct relationship.... told him, dont call me until you realise otherwise dont, thank you for understanding.

He called an hour later, bu ti didnt pick up. I sent him a text saying please dont contact me if you dont have any intentions of commiting... no answer...


I suppose like SUPERDAVE said, i fhe really did love me he's come back, not just yet I suppose.... how t=do i know if he's honnest or not?

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I say you cut every tie you have....if he loves you...HE WILL MAKE THE EFFORT!!



Don't tell him your cutting contact...JUST DO IT!!!


You are NO ONE's FOOL!! Stop letting him take advantage of you and make HIM MAKE A CHOICE!


If he comes around GREAT...if he doesn't...You have answered your own question.






Good Luck!!!


Your Friend,







We decided together to cut off all ties to figure things out? Im slightly confused, yet again! I thought all this meant he was trying to take advantage of me...now suddenly he tells me its best we take distance to figure things out... SO CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT? I dont get it anymore... or is he just a really good manipulator? Please help me with your good advice...

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if you're having sex with someone in hopes of demonstrating your emotions for them, and they're having sex with you for fun and comfort, you need to get out of that situation. that is going to crash and burn eventually and the more you invest, the more you get your hopes up, the more it's going to hurt when reality sets in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys!

Thought Id keep you up to date and hope that you guys might finally understand certain things I dont!

First of all, I hope you all spent a good xmas!


So like you all suggested, I had to cut all ties! Obviously he called Friday night to see what I was up to blabla and I picked up (private number), the conversation was friendly...and got to the point where I wanted to know why he did all this.. coming to see me, spending the night with me blabla... he said that i wanted respect and consideration and that he would never do that again... ok so here's the deal... is he saying that to seem 'heroic-respectful-person' or is he saying that because he's fed up with everything and had decided to move on...

Its really tough! I think for my personal 'being' i want to understand if he did care just a little for me, ever, or if he was playing all along. I have not heard from him since xmas (he sent a xmas message) and i havent contacted him either... ok its only been 3 days... But everything you said about him playing with me and such, well could it be that either he really did and is bored with it now, or that he really has noticed that he was treating me like dirt.... I ask because usually after 2 days I get news from him....

Im so confused, mad at myself for being so childish asking myself all this... I just need to understand....

OH yes important point Id like to share...I told him after we hung up friday night by voice mail that i believed i was still in love with him and is certainly why there is such aggressiveness between us and that i was maybe hoping for a relationship to build up.... could THAT have scared him off or did he probably know these intentions all along.... probably..

Now i know when i read all these NCiers how hard it is... the first few days are CRAP because you wonder what they're up to, if they're thinking about you ...if they're with someone else....ARGH!

But in the end...it isnt worth it... Like good ol' SuperDave would say (and said many many good things) if they care for you, they will come back!

Speaking of which, I have a story that may bring hope to some of you! Im blabing on I know but this is an interesting story!!!

My last ex, with whom i spent 3 years with and with whom i split up 2 years ago came back to me very surprisingly! Ill explain!

We started dating for 3 months when i met him when i decided to end things with him because he was going to Austrailia for a year. I was still at uni and didnt think it was good for us to stay together, i wanted him to have a good time and not worry about me or me worry about him and get attached long distance. So a year passes, i send him a few mails he responds badly since i 'ditched' him inappropriatley..I had a story with a guy for 6 months inbetween and realised that this guy (my ex in Auzzieland) was not so bad! So he comes back in June...i beg and plead and try to get back with him, he basically spits at me and tells me to bug off everytime i wanted to get close to him...and believe me I tried EVERYTHING! I finally gave up and stopped all contact with him end of AUgust! THEN....begininning of FEBUARY...I get a call... he asks me to come over.. what the heck? So I go over... and he decided he wants to try and build something up... TADA! I was full of happiness...you can imagine aye? I guess its everybodies DREAM here! But then again, even though we had good times throughout the 3 years...it was never the same...after 3 years we finally realized it and broke up... All this to say, i believe, but there are rare exceptions, that once the tie is broken in a relationship, for whatever reason, we cling on to the positive thoughts of our ex and hope to get back together, to finally be VERY disappointed because it isnt what we expect.... SuperDave says it better but I just thought Id give my little story!

All in all...our brains have a hard time adapting to our hearts, just like I am now and seeing that our hearts are so sensitive and that we become GAGA over people who arent even worth it, we over play things and dont realise all the important things around us and certainly miss out on MANY beautiful people!

I know with time that ill have to forget my ex and I will, he was a bastard to me, i know i had my wrongs, but for now im still trying to answer questions I dont have answers to, and there will be a day where i will tell myself, WHO CARES!

Goodness...I hope that you dont all think Im drunk with what i wrote! Im just inbetween two worlds right now and I guess its normal, the world of BEING in love with my ex and the world of Believing im in love with him but is only fiction.


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