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Three person relationship??

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Ohk Long story short

Well my best friend and her boyfriend have been dating for over 6 months and ther both bi and then my other really good friend she is also bi and she started to develop a crush on my bestie and her boyfriend but mostley my bestie.And my bestie was constantly flirting with her and i though she liked her so i asked her and she said she had a crush on her but she wouldnt leave her boyfriend and her boyfriend was sorta flirting a bit and i asked him and he admited on having a crush on her but in the same situation but they came up with the idea of a three-way relationship and now there in it.


I really like the idea of it but i just wanted some other opinions

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You all are young, it seems like a fun innocent idea right now and i'm sure it is for now but in the long run people's feelings could really get hurt. It's all game right now to the three parties involved but once real feelings get involved it can be a bad situation. I've been ina situation sorta like you explained and needless to we all got hurt in some way or another when things went sour. Just play your cards carefully.

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I have to agree with Mythical on this one, it may be ok in the beginning but people have this habit of becoming jealous and insecure, wanting to be approved by peers and society and having favourites. I'm not saying that it cant work but a normal relationship is complicated enough.

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Lol nice one. Now I know why you were so intent on the idea yeah well so far so good. we made some ground rules if we wanted to make it work [oh btw im the bf in case u were wondering]


a) NOONE GETS HURT lol caps bcuz it was and its important, anyone who is getting hurt...falls into rule 2

b) All emotions of jealous, hurt, betrayal etc. should be expressed to each other and absolute honesty and trust is the only thing that will make it work.


ok yeah so thats we think anyway.

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