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Emotional Intelligence?

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In another thread ....


Gay people are blessed with peculiar emotional intelligence- their ability to understand both men and women gives them extraordinary insight into the way the world works, and a very high percentage of the world's great artists, composers, musicians, and writers are gay.


I am a gay man. I honestly don't feel I have any greater insight into the mind of a woman than the average straight man. I certainly do not have any 'artistic streak' within me. Is it just me or are there other gay men in a similar position? Please discuss.

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I didn't mean to imply that all gay people are artistic or have high emotional IQs. There are studies that show that, on average, there is a higher occurrence of this kind of thing in gay people. I think it's something to be proud of; I'm sick of the "I'm gay, my life sucks" posts.


It's a lot easier for gay guys to be friends with girls than for straight guys to be friends with girls for obvious reasons, I'm sure you understand this. This is basically what I meant when I said the "peculiar insight" thing. A lot of gay people fuction as a go-between for the sexes, there is also even a hypothesis that this may be one reason we evolved in the first place.


A lot of gay people have absolutely no fashion sense, me being one of them. I find this kind of thing to be slightly annoying, to be truthful.

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I think the quote could be true. Obviously it's not true for every gay person in the world. It's just a study, people.

I'm not sure if it's because gay people know what both sexes are thinking, but instead perhaps more of an ability to be open. Open to thinking outside the box, open to aspects of their creativity and mind that others are too closed-minded to see.

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