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Is Liptoprin-Rx weight loss supplement containing ephedra?

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I joined this community since I have seen many members that provides information about health supplements. I do take enormous health supplements and now that I wanted to reduce my weight I searched for products that are all natural ingredients and the one of the top of my list is this Liptoprin Rx weight loss health supplement. But there is one ingredient that I wanted to avoid and that is ephedra. Is there anyone here who have actually used this product and give me some insights on the ingredients and what was the effect in your metabolism upon taking it?


It will be highly appreciated for those who can help me about this product. Thank you very much.


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I can understand that it is very appealing to use products for weightloss, instead of dieting. I recommend neither in fact. If you want to lose weight, please don't mess around with pills you find on the net. Supplements are ok, for vitamins and extra nutrition in times of stress, winter, etc. But they should never replace actual food.


Are you actually overweight? Don't be misguided by 'natural ingredients'. Also ephedra is natural, as are MANY poisons you really wouldn't eat normally. The word 'natural' is used to promote products and make them appear healthy, but 'natural' does not imply 'healthy for consumption' at all. If you want to lose weight, find a professional to assist you. I'd recommend a good nutritionist in combination with a trainer. The best way to lose weight is to balance your intake and have regular exercise. It's not the fastest way, but keep in mind that fast weight loss will ultimately result in the jo-jo effect (up and down in weight, very very unhealthy for the heart).


Take care and be careful,



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  • 4 weeks later...

I had once seen my friend suffer by taking that supplement, though he did not have any complains of elevated blood pressure or dry skin as said here by one of the other members but he lost his hair at a rapid pace. Initially he could not realise what was making this hair loss and when he did it was already too late by then. Nevertheless a loss is a loss so such supplements are best avoided.

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Nope. The primary ingredient of Liptoprin is Antrophen HCl that is more safe and natural compared to the harmful substance Ephedra. But you must consult with your doctor before taking up any supplements to see if you are physically fit for the drug. There are some people that can react to any supplement positively and there are those who are not.



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Hello MissyM,


I am just curious... What are some of the negative side effects that you have experienced when using ephedrine?


And for the rest who contributed their thoughts and advice in this thread, thank you for the great effort. I did saw similar advises from my other posts and gave sound advise that before taking any supplement, consult with a doctor first to see if a person is physically fit to take the supplement. It should always be a standard procedure for any person to check his own physical health before taking any pill, drug or health supplement since we have our own individual health conditions such as high blood, heart conditions or thyroid illnesses and there are certain medications that may contradict with the ingredients of the supplement unless prescribed by your doctor that it is safe to use it.


An extra effort for safety is worth your health!

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