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Me and my ex had sex again

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We were together for 8 months.She broke it off becouse she wasn't in love anymore.Then we were friends with benefits for a while but it didn't work out becouse we both started thinking about other people etc. After 2 months of not seeing eachother and a month and a half of LC we went out for a walk and ended having sex.We are both seeing other people but no sex.We both felt stupid after but the whole night was like when we were together...even better.When I see her I can't help it I just want to hug her and kiss her.She even accused me that I play with her.I could use some advice becouse I'm confused.In a way I still care about her but I don't know if it is mutual.What should I do?

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If you care about her and want her, that's great. But don't show it, unless and until she is showing it. Be a bit aloof, tease her a bit.


Play slightly on the idea of "we want what we cannot have." Make her question if she can or cannot have you, and always make her question this, until she is ready to marry you. Always keep something about you aloof.

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When two people have had a fulfilling relationship before, its hard to just move on. This shows in both of you not having sex with the newer relationships that both of you have.


Somehow having sex with newer people would in a way provide closure to the last relationship.


Seeing each other again and having sex is like finding temporary comfort in what both of you had. She accuses you of playing with her emotions but its quite a natural reaction as she herself is confused.


Sit down and talk about this. If there is still some sparks left, then ignite it if thats what the both of you want.

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I agree with everyone, you need to speak to her and talk about what you both want. It's unfair for the other people you're dating and it would make things even worse if you ended up being FWBs again.


If she just wants to be friends, please don't sleep with her again (or let that situation crop up again) and don't rush into anything with your dates because you're angry with her.


I hope you guys can work it out!




MvdS x

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