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Just little help!!

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Hi all,i dont normally write posts on here unless its bugging me!


Does anybody else feel bored with life??


Dont get me wrong,im not thinking of suicide but im just bored with my life and i dont know what to do!!


Well i do know what i want to doo but i havent got any motivation and my family are the kind that just live there lives then die (as bad as that sounds).


Its like i look at the stars and know there is more out there than meets the eye,and i just want it! I want to explore the world,grasp everything in it!


Someone please help,make me wake up and smell the roses!!

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Go smell some roses, literally. Connecting with nature is meant to be a healer. It just gives me rashes, generally. Perhaps it isn't for everyone.


Life is incredibly boring - as the default setting. The good news is that there are other settings - Passionate, Intense, Lively, Ambitious, Self-Respecting - that you can tune in to.



Much depression is caused by lost ideals, or faulty coping skills. But a great deal is caused by, or made worse by, boredom. Too much time to think is too much time to get miserable.

The other danger relating to boredom-induced depression is that it gets to a point where you are so keen to feel SOMETHING, ANY form of excitement, is better than sitting around awaiting demise. Hello, addiction and bad relationships. Good morning, self-inflicted drama, howdy suicide ideation.


I kid you not. Like the muddy slope I fell down today, it's a slippery ride. (And that is not for comic effect, that it God's honest truth).


The Following Are Helping Me Fight My Own Boredom And Crippling Depression


1. Letting go of responsibility for other people. Other peoples' issues are not your own. Many are jerks. Sometimes I cannot post here, the level of stupidity is astounding. That is depressing. Releasing the desire to "save" people is starting to help. I am starting to see now why I was so hellbent on being a doctor for such a long time - I have a perverted kind of "saviour complex" going on. Either way, even if I COULD get everyone to my own (subjective!) standards, I'd be working 24 hour days. No one can do that.


2. Having courage to summon your ambitions, and formulate plans.


3. Learning how to entertain yourself. More importantly, learn how to entertained BY yourself. The mudslope incident? One of the first times in months I have properly laughed at myself. In public. I didn't even slightly redden. I saw the chance to have a free laugh, and I took it.


4. Educate yourself. Read, goshdarnit. Everything you can get your hands on. You'll keep your mind healthy, you'll be sparkling conversation if nothing else.

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I want to live it!


I want to go see every corner of this earth,i want stories to tell the grandkids,i just want to experience stuff like that but i dont even have a clue where to start!


Ive said in another post i wrote,my mates are the sort where fri,sat nites are spent down the pub! Ther is more to life than that! I want to meet new people(even tho im shy). I just want it all but dont know where to start.


If i ended up on the streets when im 80,but had a life full of excitement and joy and experience then i would be happy!! (as weird as that sounds)

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