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lost for words when i wanna talk to him


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there's someone i like and we do talk it's not like i just admire him from far away. we have the same interests and we do talk about them but lately its getting a bit boring. i want to know more about him but i don't want him to become suspicious of me when i start asking him questions about him. even though he has asked me about money and my social life before and i became suspicious of him. what and how could i ask him questions and get to know him better than i already do.

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How long are you going to play hide and seek? If you want something from a guy ask it him directly in his face. Tell him you want to go out with him. Listen hon, guys don't understand subtle girl language , you are simply layering your love for him out of fear to be rejected. However what is needed in life is not fear, nothing can grow from that. If you see something in life that you want, you have to win it with your own hands. Retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die. Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no , you can move on with your life saying 'hey at least i tried' , if he says yes you got a date, you always miss if you never shoot, your love for him should be like a star that shines unashamed to everyone, there's no need to hide your love for him under a bucket asif it is a secret. Show some courage lass, there's no reason to wait, afterall no action = no reaction. So if you aren't going to make a move, you are sure that nothing will happen.

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