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My Very Frist Time Help Me Please

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how do i get over my very first lover and serious boyfriend sometimes i think of him being with others and that makes me upset and times i think of the good time like when we made love please someone help me ease me mind....i just cant let him go and kick him out my life he sometimes tell me he still love's me but then he change's later but we have 4 month old son together what to do

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I know this sounds cheesy, but time will heal. Also, finding a new love helps. I was with my first love, for almost three years. We were on and off for the next 5, but it took me finding my next love to really get over him. Now, he is married, and I hardly think of him. There was a time where I thought I would never get over him, but I did. Just hang in there.

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I felt kind of like you did when my first boyfriend broke up with me (we dated for 1 year). I totally felt like I would never meet anyone else. I was on a plane, it was full, except for the seat next to me. This gorgeous guy (named Justin) walked on, and wouldn't you know it, he had the seat next to me!


We wound up talking the whole flight, we were about the same age, and we both had a layover in the same city for 2 hours. we kissed before we had to go to our on to our respective connections.


I never did get his address or number, but I am so greatful to him, for showing me that there are other men out there.

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I felt kind of like you did when my first boyfriend broke up with me (we dated for 1 year). I totally felt like I would never meet anyone else. I was on a plane, it was full, except for the seat next to me. This gorgeous guy (named Justin) walked on, and wouldn't you know it, he had the seat next to me!


We wound up talking the whole flight, we were about the same age, and we both had a layover in the same city for 2 hours. we kissed before we had to go to our on to our respective connections.


I never did get his address or number, but I am so greatful to him, for showing me that there are other men out there.


Talk about a man in shining armor.

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time will heal all wounds. it isn't easy to see your ex out with someone new. i've been there and done that, im going to be honest it's hard. and all these feelings and emotions come out when you see them. you just have to be able to be the strong one. hang out with your friends or family to help get them off your mind. cause when you're alone you tend to think more.

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