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A friend who wrote to me...

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ok i need some advice..There is a guy that i was with for 1 1/2 years, and the brake up was terrible. It has now been 4 months since,and he is realizing what he lost,and wants me back. I want him back also, since i never stopped loving him. And from what he keeps telling me, he has never stopped loving me either. My only problem is, I have a boyfriend at the moment, and i cant break up him that easy. I have put a lot of work into this relationship, but it doesn't compare to my ex-boyfriend and our relatioinship. My ex and i have been through so much for each other, and it hurts to let him go, or even see him with another gurl. And i dont think i want to let him be with another gurl.. I want to be his only gurl! Back to my boyfriend, he has some how put into his mind that we were ment to be together and he really likes me, and possible may love me. Im so confused and i dont know what to do. I love my ex, but i also like my new boyfriend.


Advice welcomed,


confused and torn"


A friend wrote this to me, and I told her not to give the guy a second chance. She knows about this site and would post herself if her internet settings allowed it, but since they don't, I was asked to post it for her.


Any advice I could give her from all of you would be wonderful. Thanks!

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Hmmm. This is something that infuriates me. For one, my EX left me for the exact same reason, she found another man. For seconds, if she really truly feels that she wants this man, then she should go with what her heart tells her. But know this, if she leaves her current boyfriend because of a past relationship, he will never forgive her.


She has a choice, either give the guy she ALREADY gave a chance to, another chance; or stay with the boy that has ONLY been there for her THUS far. Clearly I wouldn't break-up with your current BF, that's just WRONG on every level unless, you strongly feel that he's not up to your standards and your using him as a scapegoat for the pain.


If your EX gives you a heart felt apology, i.e.. I'm so stupid, why did I ever let you go, would you ever forgive me, I love you... then and only then would I even advise a break-up. But don't break the boys heart, he didn't do anything.


I feel sorry for him only because he knows nothing of this and well.. we do! Hahaha, in all seriousness, you need to express your feelings to both parties. Tell your EX i'm happily in a relationship and although I still care about you, I've moved on.


I wish you the best of luck, cheers.~

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