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for the sake of true love--please help (especially ladies)

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OK, I'm a 21-year-old male. 2 years ago I met a family and really hit it off with them. The parents love me and so do their children. I get the opportunity to see them a lot, and we do things together often.


And here's the thing..


Their 14-year-old daughter pretty much fell in love with me as soon as we met, and I really took a special liking to her immediately as well. I know that her whole family can tell she feels this way about me, but they are not afraid at all (for instance, she and I do things with her parents together often--they really love and trust me). I'm also extremely close with her older brother, with whom I do lots of things each week.


And here's the REAL thing..


In the last two years (actually it started AS SOON AS I met her), I have really fallen hard for this girl! I hope you don't think this sounds bad, but I think of her non-stop and just can't wait until next time I get to talk to her. It has literally been like this for 2 grueling but wonderful years! In fact, I feel so much that we belong together that I would be perfectly HAPPY to wait until she's 18 or 19 to move forward together.


But here's my question (maybe you ladies can especially help me on this?): When she's 18 and I'm 25, will she still be attracted to me (after all, I'll be a good little bit older than her)? Or by then will she be uninterested and go for some other guy her age? (And no, up to this point in her life, she's not at all the kind of girl who moves from one crush to another to another, etc.)


Anything in the world you might say would be appreciated.


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oh man you cant wait around for that!! You really need to move on and find someone a little older. Waiting around would be a complete waste for you! What if she dates someone else in this time or forgets about you! 14 is way too young to know what love is. She probably doesnt even know what a relationship is. You need to get out to bars and meet some older chics. Just my opinion man, get out and meet some mature ladies!

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Hey Brian,


Thanks a lot for your response.


Yes, I know that 4 years is a long time to wait, but I've already waited two torturous (but fantastic! ) years. To me, she is easily worth just a few more. I wouldn't even consider that a sacrifice, much less a "waist".


Also, I don't feel like it would be a "waste" because I do not feel at all as though I'm missing out on anything by not dating other girls. I haven't even had a thought about flirting with any other girl for the last 2 years. And even before I met this girl, I hadn't dated anyone in a very long time. I'm just not missing out on anything by not dating other girls. However, I would be missing out if I did date other girls--I'd be missing out on the ONE that I feel I belong with.

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Do not listen

I think it's a good idea to wait till she's 18...to do u know...THAT. But now you can see each other, and date, nothing's wrong with that. My boyfriend is older than me, and he doesn't see me as a kid. That girl wouldn't be yours if you don't move on, cuz she probably scared, I mean I was, cuz of the age difference I was afraid he'd call me a kid or something like thatm but he didn't. So move on

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If you really love this girl and she loves you and its true love then its worth waiting for. You've both waited two years and many of the woman i know in my life are married to older men in the sceem of things 7 years is normal as you start to age and mature togehter.




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I'm 21 and my car is as old as she is. IMO she is young, you two are at totally different points in your lives. Have you tried talking to her about it, what does she think? I think for now it would be best to stay away, she's still got to find herself on her own. I'm cursed with crushes from young girls all the time, but I would never take it anywhere.

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