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This is for the ladies........getting back 2gether???

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Hi All,


I am at the moment struggling through a breakup!!!!!!! I've spent days reading almost all the posts, which have been very inciteful and helpful to me. Went through NC for about a week, but gave in yesterday!!! (I'm totally regretting it & am now back to square 1 !!!!)


Most of the posts here seem to be from the guys, & with the whole "Mars & Venus" thing, I was wondering, if, as the female dumpee, that maybe a different approach may be required???


Any thoughts???



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For me it has worked to give in and call him if I feel like I need to. He's ok with it. It reassures me it's ok to talk to him if I want to.

It also helps to know that he doesn't get how awesome I am and that I deserve someone who does.

Let yourself feel the pain. It sucks but it's temporary. It may take a while but he's just not the one. You will find the right guy someday.

My approach would be to take care of yourself. Call up your family or friends when you need to, cry, be angry, be sad. And know that eventually it will be ok again.

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