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Hi guys, i need some major help right now, because i am confused at what is going on in my love life right now....First off i will start by that that my girlfriend just recently broke up with me a couple days ago, a week before our 6-month anniversary. She was bitter about it at first, and i asked her if we could talk about it, but she said there was nothing to talk about, and she couldnt help how she felt. She me she wanted to get back together with me, but she couldnt help how she felt. Now i need to first let you guys know that my girlfriend is very beautiful, and flirty. She does not try to be, but there is not one guy that walks by her that does not hit on her or look her up and down. So, she is very used to attention. Two nights ago, when she told me there was nothing to talk about, i asked her if i could come over to drop a few things off, and read her something, then leave. (I had put together of box of her favorite foods, and had also bought her flowers. And i had written down a bunch of memories that we had together, to read to her.) I was hoping this would somehow change her heart. She eventually told me that she would ask her parents, and then call me back...I never got a call back, and i just decided to go up to her house and drop the items, off, then leave. As i pulled into her driveway, i saw another car there, and recognized it. It was a guy in my grade at school, that was her friend. (Im a senior and she is a sophomore). My heart dropped, and i dropped the stuff off at her porch, rang the doorbell and left. I told myself i was not going to call her, and just leave it alone, because i was done dealing with all of this. But she called me later, and explained to me that she was very upset that day, and she needed a friend to talk to. And i did find out that all he did was put his arm around her, and that was it. We had a long talk that night, and she still told me she didnt know why she felt this way, but she couldnt figure out why, which confused me. The next morning, she called me, and surprised me at what she said. She told me that she wanted to go to college with me, and hopefully get married one day. But, she also said that before she knows that she can commit this deeply to me, she needs to find out if she truly can for the sake of us. She told me to give her a little bit of time, to see if i was a missing part in her life, and if everything went well, then we would get back together. But she said, she needed to test herself first, so she know that she can be 100% dedicated to me. She also told me not to worry, it will turn out good. During this period of time, i know she will hang out with other guys, to see if i hold up, but i also think i should hang out with other girls to possibly make her jealous. The only problem with that is, i dont want her thinking that she has to hang out with other guys, just cause she sees me talking to other girls, because i would only be doing it to make her jealous, nothing more. I also told her that, if we are taking this time, i dont think we should see eachother outside of school, and if we did, it would be maybe once a week if that. And she got upset, saying that this would make us want to date other people..... How should i handle this, im very confused!!!!

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