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He goes out to a party and doesn't invite me

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Tonight my boyfriend of like 2 years has gone to his co-workers birthday party. He didn't even ask me if I wanted to go. So he went by himself. I find it kind of strange that he didn't make any moves to want to take me with. I guess he just wanted to spend time with his friends. BUT there will be girls there, and I am 100% positive there will be drinking. Though my BF doesn't drink, he can get talked into it. I'm just wondering why he didn't want me to go.....We had plans to go to the movies tonight, but he droped them to go to the party without me.....ugh.....boys.....

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Hey Bewitched Heads up, this IS NOT GOOD, I've been there, these guys are totally unreal and selfish, so please beware, be a step ahead of him,,,, give him the cold treatment after this kinda behaviour, because I believe disaster is imminent here... be careful ok?

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I agree with you there, it's not very fair at all that he actually dropped his plans with you to do this. I mean, it's one thing to actually have plans prior to your making plans, and then you'd not be able to go to the movies, but when it's the other way around it's definitely hurtful.


At the same time, maybe he just wanted time with his friends? It's a different atmosphere when your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't at a party, and perhaps he just wanted a good time with the guys, even though there will be girls there (he's probably not going because of them).


At the same time, if it really hurts you that he's doing this, maybe you should have a girls night out? Go to a party with some of YOUR best friends, and exclude him. Not in a spiteful way exactly, but so you'll get the best of both worlds as well. Afterwards, you might feel better about him going out with his buds too.


Worth a chance, right?

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I wouldn't worry too much right now. Maybe he wasn't sure if he could invite you...if it was a birthday party for someone else. It might be a little strange, but if this is the first time it's happened I would give him the benefit of the doubt. It's okay to go out with friends without your significant other. If you trust him, and he really cares about you, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Look at it this way. If he cares, he's not going to do anything bad. If he does something bad, he's not really worth worrying about. Try not to think about it so much.

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Hey Bewitched Heads up, this IS NOT GOOD, I've been there, these guys are totally unreal and selfish, so please beware, be a step ahead of him,,,, give him the cold treatment after this kinda behaviour, because I believe disaster is imminent here... be careful ok?


Or maybe he just wanted some space and to spend a night apart from her, even if it seemed kind of rude to drop plans at the last minute? Just because I don't want my girlfriend around at every single party I go to doesn't mean that disaster is imminent, that I'm totally unreal and selfish, and that my girlfriend should give me the cold shoulder


If you've been going out for 2 years, your communication skills should be pretty good, why don't you just ask him why he didn't invite you?

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I wouldnt worry too much, youve been dating for 2 yrs and youre frightened of the relationship because he didnt invite you to a party? No biggie, its just a party. Who knows maybe he thought you wouldnt have fun, maybe he assumed you dont like to be around those sort of people. There could be many explanations. I suggest you just say to him something along the lines of "you shouldve invited me to the party, it sounded fun" or something like that, so he knows for the future.

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