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ex wants to see me!! confused need help pls!

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we broke up two weeks ago... and was in contact briefly last week. so, i stopped talking to him for few days until He instant messaged me yesterday and today. So, i was going on NC u know cus its hard for me to talk to him... and rigt now im confuse.... he says he wants to see me and wont tell me why.... he says he has a gift for me....but i think its an excuse to come see me.. and i told him why do u wanna see me... and he giggled and said dont worry and not to ask many questions.



so, he said to give him a call friday night after i come home so we could set up a time next day to meet up.....



what do u guys think of this?

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well, r u really broken up, or just playing at this?? really, i think you should communicate with him, and whatever he says, what is important 4 u? play it out, see what is going on, but if it is not giving u what u want, why continue??



yeah, i dont know. i'll just need to find out and see what he wants..


i need some time to think about this....

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I just checked this girls myspace that I use to know, you know, someone special I used to know. I see her ex left some comment of good to see her and talking about how they kissed.


It hurt to read I guess, but it just made me think. She is letting him back in, that is really sad, like she can't get anyone else because she thinks no one wants her.


Do you really want to let this guy back in, give him a chance to say some BS he doesn't mean because he is in the mood to have you around again. Go ahead and meet, find out how you feel. Just don't say you weren't warned, it probably wont feel good later if things don't happen the way you want them to.

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