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saw my ex out tonight! HELP!

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i was out eating with my mother and sister tonight and of course who walked through the door? my ex gf with some guy.


we have been broken up for almost 6 months now and it was a bit of a messy break up and i was still very much in love with her and having a hard time moving on. up until last week it was difficult but something in me changed and this week had been great, now this happened and i feel as if im back to square one! man! i was doing good and i had to see this! please any input would be great.... i just need some help to get through this tough time.... thank you.

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oh ulk. I feel you. I have been there. blah, I hate the feeling.


are you sure that you are jealous of her and missing her? or are you maybe upset that she moved on before you did?


I would go back to doing your thing, maybe start dating others again. try to forget about what you saw.

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i am a little bit of both... i do miss and i will be the first to admit i am a tad jealous. and i almost feel as if i am being punished in some strange way because i have not moved on. the thing is that i have been avoiding seeing her. we live very close to eachother in a small town. and i went to another town 30 mins away tonight just so there would be no chance to see her.. thats the funny thing about it. it feels like there is nothing i can do to not see her. i was very much attached and i am still in pain over this. it is soo bad that i am looking to relocate to a different state here soon and go back to college.

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Wow I feel for you as well and a few months ago I was in your very position.


I have a difficult time moving on from relationships, even if I was the one who ended them! But all I can suggest you do, is continue moving on and spending a lot of time with your friends.


It is important you distance yourself from her so that you can get to the point where you can think of her not as someone you still love. It is hard, very hard.


I wish you luck, don't do anything irrational. Take care, good luck.

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yep i believe that moving and going back to college will help me tons.. and yes i too have trouble moving on from relationships. i put soo much into them that if they go bad i dwell on it for a long time! and yes this is the hardest thing i have ever been through and i know there are harder times in life but it has been tough because i made her my best friend, and girlfriend and that was about it. i was soo consumed in her that i never made time to make new friends (i was kinda new to the area when i met her) so when we broke up i lost my best friend. so yeah it has been bad on me because her friends were my friends and now there is no one. lol thats why i was out with my mom and sister on a fri. night. at least i still have them!

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