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hi guys. leslie here again. i made a mistake as you most have read in my other posts in this folder two fridays ago - breaking up with my bf because i thought it was what he wanted. well he called tonight. turns out that wasn't what he had even been thinking about until that friday. so it was my doing. he said he still loves me and doesn't know if he ever won't. yet, he's happier and feels freer now without me as a gf. I sobbed on the phone... Mistake? He said he'll call me another time when we can talk...


think there's any chance? i'm thinking if any, i'd have to do the No-Contact (aka - make him miss us).




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Well can you let some time go by then speak with him? Kinda get the ball back in your court and on your terms. Sounds like his ego may be a little bruised by the breakup thing. Or not. But I do know men can act all normal and nice but have bruised egos.


Maybe tell HIM when you will call him. Do it nicely, but take back a little bit of control. Think about the part you played into things. You broke up with him? Was there a reason why you did not talk to him first and just got defensive and did the "deed" for him to beat him to the punch? Remember although you are sorry you also played a part in this. It is a great strength to see that clearly and come to terms with that, then talk about it with him.


Listen to how he felt. Tell him how you felt and see where it goes from there. Remember although you feel like the whole world may be crashing down on you, you are OK and will be OK.


Good luck. Pamper yourself a bit and treat yourself with compassion.

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