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I'll try to make this quick. Please reply ASAP

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Background: A girl started acting funny around me, or so I believe, and I tricked myself into thinking maybe she was interested in me talking to her. I haven't talked to her, really, except for this once, tbh, which is why it MUST be my own dumb self tricking me into thinking it's even possible she might have been interested. For a couple weeks I thought she kept staring at me and then this once she was standing next to a classmate who was standing next to me as we talked, then this classmate left and she moved in closer to me. I dunno, I doubt it was more than mere conincidence. Anyway, she stopped doing all that (or maybe she never did in the first place) since that time she stood next to me, and now I the amount of times I notice her staring has decreased exponetially to almost 0. and now I keep telling myself I blew it and that it's too late to do anything, but I don't really mean it, cause I keep thinking up what to say or do about it even though it might be too late.


The Problem: I believe I worked myself into a crush. It sucks, cause I frequently think about my "mistake" and how I wish I could fix it. Thing is, similar things have happened before and by the time I actually do something it it's too late anyway, so I don't wanna waste my time thinking about this for ONE more second. It ruined my day.


My questioN: How do I get over this FAST?! There's gotta be a way, and I gotta know what it is, cause I keep thinking about it and I can't focus sometimes on what I SHOULD be doing.

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It's NOT too late. You HAVEN'T messed anything up.


And the quickest way to get over it is to go up and talk to her. Trust me.


Just because her staring has decreased doesn't mean she necessarily "lost interest". It may mean that she was waiting for you to come talk to her (at the time she was staring) and now has decided that you probably are too shy to do that. You can change that impression by simply going up and talking to her.


What's the WORST that can happen, SW? Maybe she HAS really lost interest, or maybe SHE isn't that interesting of a person once her mouth is open, and either way... you'll find out by talking to her. Either way, it's guaranteed to end the terrible suspense you find yourself chewing your knuckles over.


Both of those WORST case scenarios are BETTER than the torment of working yourself up into a crush, wondering about the "shoulda/woulda/coulda" of it and simply waiting for the feeling to go away. So go do it.

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I agree with the "jerk the band-aid off" approach.


The quickest way to forget about one hurt is to suffer another... lol


Ask her, be blunt, whatever, just find out so that you can ease your mind. You will suffer for a much shorter time KNOWING she wasn't interested than you will NOT KNOWING that she might be or not since you never asked...




Now, Go Get 'Em Tiger... Grrrr....

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Both of those WORST case scenarios are BETTER than the torment of working yourself up into a crush, wondering about the "shoulda/woulda/coulda" of it and simply waiting for the feeling to go away. So go do it.


You might be right, but I just don't know how, lol. I mean, it's so ironic that when I'm the first one interested on a girl I've no problem talking to her/asking her out even if I'm not sure she's interested (which up to know has been the case). But then the one chance when it SEEMS like she might be interested in me, I dunno what to do. Believe me, that day she stood next to me, my brain suffered a short-circuit, I swear. So many thoughts racing through my head at the same time... That's what it does.


Now, Go Get 'Em Tiger... Grrrr....


Haha, that pretty much made my day, lol. Now I just gotta do this

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Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner!


Obviously, the only thing you can do is talk to her. That's all that will let you know. You can't read her mind, you can't analyze the way you two would work together or even how you could fit yourself into her conversation. You just have to put yourself out there and pay extra attention to this person of light in your eyes. Go to them, smile at them, talk to them... BE yourself. Not forced. Just relax and they will relax with you. There is nothing to be afraid of.


I believe in you!

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I believe in you!


I finally got around to doin that. Sorry I hadn't posted an update. Anyway, even though she turned me down, I feel so much better, seriously. She was very nice and mature I might add, so it's all cool. Well, I'm thinking about asking this other girl out later today. I've never asked two girls out in the same day, lol, or in the same week or month!

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I didn't get to ask the second girl out... I found out she was a grad student during our conversation, so I didn't think that it'd be a good idea... I dunno how old she is (I didn't ask cause it might be rude, I guess), but I'm guessing that being in gradschool she must be older than I am (many girls my year are older than me too, but it's not a very significant difference. I mean, we're talking about months or a year max. But a girl in gradschool PLUS she'll have different goals and whatnot). I talked to her for a good while and we kinda hung out, and she's nice and stuff, though, but I think we'll just be friends.


I just... Life is so predictable, man. I knew that the "plans" I had made for tonight (if you call watching TV till reaching physical exhaustion from the lack of sleep a "plan") would be carried on.


Anyway, since I don't even have any friends, and I have no clue and no direction about what to do to finally find a girl who won't reject me even when they apparently look like they wouldn't, I guess I'm gonna concentrate on making friends? Lol, that's a toughie too, cause I dunno how. Nobody gets me, and I feel like a loser, man...

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You have a great attitude (except for the part you called yourself loser. No! Bad! Dont do that!)


I think you are guiding yourself through this just fine, taking chances and wanting friends. The key is persistence as well as patience- with yourself and with others. We have your back! (sorta- in an internet way)

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I think you are guiding yourself through this just fine, taking chances and wanting friends. The key is persistence as well as patience- with yourself and with others. We have your back! (sorta- in an internet way)


Haha, thank you. I guess I'll keep trying. I'm in a way better mood right now, lol, cause even tho friday night sucked, saturday RULED!

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