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i have two questions that really annoy me and were wondering peoples views on the following:

1: is there a differance in love and luv?

2: is there a differance in seeing someone and going out with someone?


im in a steady relationship so this doesnt worry me its just that we have different views.


thanks for listening and i hope you can shed some light on either of the two.



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To me. love is the real thing. Luv is what you say if you're not sure it's the real thing but want to show more than normal levels of affection.


As for seeing someone and going out with someone, personally I tend to equate the two.

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"Luv" is the traditional spelling of the word "Love." So in that sense, there is no difference. The only time you would ever see that, is in writing, and in that case, I guess it all depends on who is the one writing it.


As for your second question... Thats all a matter of personal opinion. And, in my opinion, both these 'terms' basically mean the same thing. Just like how I view it when someone says I am dating someone. A lot of people take 'dating' as non-exclusive dates. So depending on the context of the situation it would change the meaning i guess.... If you are seeing someone/dating someone/ going out with someone exclusively, it means they are the only person you see and visa versa. If its non-exclusively then it usually means you can 'date' other people as well.


Hope these opinions help.

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I agree with The above Post... Good Insight Massinova,


If your dating/seeing/ someone and that connection is deep, to the point of it becoming a relationship, not just a friendship, than you know it...Besides who doesn't say they are seeing someone, you have to ask yourself what does that term really mean?


but in retrospect i Think the 2 people seeing/hanging out really would be called "dating", But ya' Know It's all different for everyone, different views, and opinions on what the term "seeing someone" really means, is it dating, or hanging out as friends or More?????

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Thanks everyone you all have equal points and youve deffinately given me enough of your opinion for me to understand that each has a differance on what it is or possibly that it means exactly the same for each.


Ash~i think your on the same lines as me with the luv love situation and i have the same thoughts on which has more importance (i guess we should establish the other persons views on this in the relationship first)


massinova~i feel that your contribution opened up my whole opinion towards this aspect and am greatful for you views.


s4il~i agree with the point made about it becoming a relationship, and as stated before it is that already i just wanted others views as an insight.


thanks for the help all of you.

im really greatful.


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