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we use to talk online everday for the whole year! and now it feels werid. i do see him online and it makes it harder for me to move on. i block his sn just for the time being. will i ever get through this? and fall in love again? it really hurts so much and i cant stop crying over it. i know our relationship was goin bad cus we had too much problems... i was goin to end it myself too.. but thinking about our good times n stuf...makes it harder to let it go. we are both adults here. im 26 and hes 33. so we both know how to handle these things.


our relationship is over and theres nothing we can do about it. i guess it was not meant to be.i dont know if hes feeling sad and hurt too jus like me.. but maybe not. i hope in the future we could still remain friends but for now im going to give him his space and me too. he said he doesnt want to be with me now and that he needs space from the dramas. and maybe later if we both dont find anyone maybe we could try again. i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about him.. and thinking someting is missing.


im trying not to stay home as possible because i will go crazy thinking about it. im starting to go back to the gym and work out 4 times a week. and try to go out w/ friends too ( not really in the mood but i gota get away) also, im planning on goin out of the country next month. i hope that will help me through this. so by nxt year, i'll be all new and good. i know it takes time to get over someone and that time heals the pain. im sure me or like anyone out there in this world could do it. we all could be strong. im sure it was hard for him to let me go because he loved/care for me so much. i guess he just couldnt take me anymore. if u wanna depth of what went wrong u could ask me and i'll tell you.


i know in time i wil get over him and everything be fine. i do want to get him back but i know getting back now is impossible because the problems we were having. im sure he'l find someone and get married soon because he is at the age now . i want him to be happy wherever he is or doing. if its without me then its fine. if i cant make him happy then i hope someone will. thats all im asking from GOD. to give him happiness in himself and his life.

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what about asking GOD to give you happiness in your life? Don't you deserve what he also deserves?


Sometimes, its not meant to be. It was meant to be for the time it lasted....and not anymore then that.


You sound really confused about the whole thing. Sometimes you are saying you are preparing to let go and move on, yet other times you are saying you are holding on in there.


One thing is for sure...distraction will only work when you know what it is your distracting yourself from. If you are going to the gym, out of the country etc to get YOU back then cool...if you're doing it to make the time pass quicker in the hope he'll want you back then that isn't so good.


you've accepted the relationship wasn't good at the end. In time, you will move on (fully move on) and be able to meet someone else. you don't know for sure that he is even looking for another relationship - i'm sure he's feeling just as low as you are.


Good luck on your journey to recovery...and yes..time does heal


Sparkle xx

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i decided to move on and do not wish to go back to the relationship i was in. it wasnt healthy for me and him. although , we had our good moments but cant ignore the problems we were having. even if he did came back i would simply say no to him. things happen for a reason and nothing u can do. i do still love and care for him but i know for sure i wouldnt wanna go back to that relationship again. we jus started to talk a lil and will make convo as short. i'll be fine. i wanted him back but then i realize it wouldnt work out. its sad that it happened but what can i do but just to move on!



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