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I hate my life

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My father is a junkie, my step father was verbally abusive, I just had a all arround rough childhood. Do I hate life? Well at certain points I most certainly did, none more so than 3 weeks ago when my long term GF left me and moved out. That hurt more than anything, but I also realized that I was holding my past a bit too tightly and letting it control my present.


Some advice a good friend gave me. And that was just to do something it doesnt matter what you do just do it.


This could be;


Riding a Bike

Going to the Gym


Helping a friend on something minor

Learn a new skill

+ about a million other things you can do the world is full of things to do, that have the potential to make you happy and enjoy life. All you have to do is discover them.


Another thing to remember is, without the bad, how can there ever be any good?

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Thanks ppl, I feel better. Usually I can really control my emotions, but I guess it kinda slipped resulting in that post. But you all made me feel better, so thank you all =) I was just stressed out about everything, it's just really difficult to live and live simply normally where I am. Thanks again k?

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"I can't live and I can't die."


But you are living. You are understanding the flaws of life and of the people around you. You realize how they trap you. Maybe you can be one of the people who changes the world with your song. I know you have a great talent for writing, creative thinking and analyzing when you are inspired, and also for sketching. That in itself is your way out.


There are many ways out we receive from God. You have to look at what can be. The solution is something you pick,but solutions in general are all around. They are here on this site. They are there in your real life. You have to see your path before you can walk it. Perhaps plan it, perhaps pay attention to the crossings along the trails. You'll see it. I know you will. The right perspective comes back to you pretty quickly, I've noticed.

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to fall in love with life, what a thing is that, to see all around a millon small joys that hold us to this life. The faces that smile, rain on a hot day, the smell of wood, new book and play, tea in the night, fresh insights of the mind, a 1000 miles but train, a childs open hand.


Life our life is such that we get lost in our world and for get what is all around, I man in gail for years dreams only of walking in the sea.

yet when we do such our qst thought is of me. not the water at our feet, the sand under toe, not is of the boy and what my hart will show.


layers and layers, colors, sights and sounds, live in your own head to much and you will for get about the ground.


Me, each brath, each day holds new things just inder the skin


that how you fall in love with life, how life may just begin

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The type of thoughts you have stir you to your life path. If you give into doubts, your journey becomes uncertain because you decide it to be so. If you trust that you can contribute yourself in any way to the world or to the people around you or to God, then that trust builds a path itself.

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bee2228, this may sound dumb, but alot of reality stands on belief. And also maybe a little perception. I don't know what you're going through, or how bad it is, but always remember to never lose hope. Nobody knows the future. Just hang in there because Life is designed upon change. All the best bee2228

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