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What am I to do? Need good advise badly

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About 2 months ago I started school. In the first week i met a girl who was a year older then me but in the same class. She was very cute sort of your girl next door look very innocent very pure type. Well anyway I got her number and yeah we talked. In school also we do share mutual frens as afterall we are in the same class. But then they knew i liked her and they kept teasing so in order to prevent the situation being so akward i deceide to isolate them and act as a jerk towards them. You know sort of like to get them off my back and hers too. So well the plan worked out they isolated me and me them. Anyway the situaion is less akward now but as this girl i like is in the same group of frens so i also dun get to talk much with her nowadays in class. However out of school we do chat online and sometimes i help her in her work too.Yesterday we talked again and yeah the conversation got deep. She said that her grp of frens in class were not happy with my recent attitude and that she wanted me to change also. But its hard man especially since i isolated them cause of her. Obviously i was not going to tell her that rite? So i said i would just try to change to pacify her but in actual fact i would just leave those pple out of my life. I dun know. Ever since i got to know her i been hitting the bottle. I told her that too but said it was due to stress not because that i liked her which is the actual reason.

This girl told me b4 that she had been in a bad relationship once and is now in an on off situaion with a guy ten years her senior and he doesnt particurlaly treat her well too. So i dun really know what to do should i come on hard after which i might get my already achy breaky heart thrashed or shld i just let her know i am there and just be there 4 her. Actually i am doing this rite now but sometimes it hurts man to see her each day and not be able to say anything.

Anyone out there mind telling me what i should do thanks alot.

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Hello to you,


Well in hindsight, I think the better route would have been to make better friends with her friends so they stopped teasing you for reasons of really liking you and knowing you. I think you can still accomplish this. See them teasing her about you is just the way teenagers are to people they don't know. Its usually for fun, and no realness even plays a part.


As far as her, continue to get close to her...express yourself with compliments and hints. I just think until you can show her your attitude is going to change, I fear she may not be ready to really hear you. She wants to see you getting along with others so her life is not so hard.....Just start to show her who you really are. She obviously likes you to some extent, she just needs you to make some more effort where it matters to her right now, which whether you like it or not...is with her friends.

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