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How do I cope with this negative person?

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I live with my partner - the problem is his nephew is living with us also - he is a strong character and I wouldnt want to get on his bad side, so I keep myself neutral and friendly in my conversations with him.


Lately he has been very loud and obnoxious towards me with comments that he needs to take his uncle out to meet someone better than me, this has escalated in him being very rude and nasty (while drinking also)


I just dont know how to respond to him these days, I have tried to shout back, tell him to stop etc but nothing seems to stop him.


My partner tends to take the passive mode with him.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all so much

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Thanks for the replies so far - he is 35 years old


Holly crap I though he was in either his early or late teens. Inform your partner that you are not going to put up with that crap and if he doesn't do anything about it, either you state that you'll be moving out or he (his nephew) leaves. Forget about the counselor suggestion, he needs to get thrown to the curb for rudeness, respectful, and childish behavior.



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