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Are we to wrapped up in ourselfs today?

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Do you think you're too wrapped up in yourself?


I have to go with your thread title, because it's so different from your post. Your post is this very sad story of someone who has gone through very difficult experiences, but your thread title is "are we too wrapped up in ourselves." That's not what my first thought would have been, after reading your post.


The things that have happened to you are really terrible. I think your family situation and how they have treated you is worse than the Chrons, really.


I'm just going to go with your thread title; I know you're too sick to work, and it will be difficult to pry yourself away from the mobile, but I wonder if you might be able to undertake some volunteer work, to start building a life for yourself. After all, there are other people in the world who would benefit from meeting someone who has endured so much, and is still going through it. I don't know why that is, but it's true; people who've gone through alot are easier to talk to. Someone might need you.

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Get a bin liner and throw all your past into it. Write it all down on paper and throw it in the bin liner.

Lets take one thing at a time here. Lets take you and your feelings first and never mind aboutanything else at the moment. Lets think about how you feel, right now, about life ok .


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You cant help having this illness and its not your fault so lets concentrate on you and how you feel right now about life please.

Spill, rant and rave if you will feel better. Im no expert but i have also felt stuff like you do and i got through so hang in please because you do matter and are important ok. Im in England too so talk to me please.

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Well, I don't know what to say without coming accross insensitive here. It is true that you situation is difficult, but on top of all the pain and hard breaks you have been dealt outside of your control, you are choosing to self destruct.


I don't think you have given up on life yet. And I don't think even you believe, down inside, that the entire world and all its inhabitants are cold and cruel.


I'd like to get to know you better. What is important to you? What has kept you going through all this?

You are clearly a very strong woman. Smart.


Do you love this man you are with?


How do you get by day to day without work, and without going outside and having contacts? Is this debt and staying home a recent thing?



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what stuff have you felt? im hanging in here but dont know for how long, I guess if my partner left me or my health got worse ( which it is slowly) I will be more possitive towards self destruct.


I often visit this website link removed


when I read about the poor familys/ partners/sons daughters/brothers ect here it makes me think twice but im not sure how long that will last. who would morn my leaving the planet?


do you think society today are mainly only interested in self indulgent existences? this world seems to protect the rich and powerful at the expence of the poor and vulnerable? or am i missing something as im sure I am closed away here, is my view on things clouded by my own problems?

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God bless my 6 great uncles who were killed in Ypres and god bless my Great gran who lost her husband and had to raise her 13 children in a slum and make ends meet being a washer woman.

God bless the strength that women like her had in the past and who raised her children with no money but made sure that they were all well fed and clean even though the walls were crawling with damp and the floors were full of rats. God bless her that she went without food to feed her babies and died with breast cancer.

God bless the fact that i am alive and well thanks to the line carrying on.


Paschendale, Crimea, Ypres, Korea, Belgium, Flanders, India, Germany. etc


Dont ever forget them because we are alive because of them.

Dont ever forget those men and women who were tortured in the name of freedom and always remember them with pride. If it was not for them then we would be in a right mess now.

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well, what has kept me going is quite bizarre, I lose myself into a fantasyworld ( virtual world ) there is a term that was used for this by my shrink when I saw him years ago, he called it something to do with distancing yourself from reality. so I guess that is what I do, as reality I can not cope with as im sure thousands of others also cant.

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well englishwoman41 things have moved on so far sinse then havnt they. now we have all these somewhat decadent lifestyles,I maybe poor but in other countrys I would seem rich? I do see the suffering of others and that just makes things appear more gloomy rather than stir my mood to higher planes. nothing seems to strike me as possitive and I can not see any goals for something to make things better? not just in my sittuation but in general.


There seems to be many unhappy people and much suffereing or is this just a depressed persons outlook ? is it real in comparison to the big picture?

things seem to be going from bad to worse in the world.

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Reality to me is realizing how my ancestors coped. I feel sorry for myself and yet have looked into my background and found that my life is great compaired to them. I must be a strong person because i am here today, alive and well.

Death was an everyday thing about 100 years ago. All they thought about was how to get through the next day and how they were able to feed their children. They did not have any money or any food and were living in filth in back to back houses in England. If you woke up alive, you were very lucky. No birth control, no help from the state. Send your lovely sons off to join an army so that they could feed the rest of you.

Tuberculosis and diptheria from damp living conditions and lack of food and poor sanitation were the order of the day. If you couldnt manage this then you were sent packing off to a place called "The Workhouse "

The workhouse, was a great big building for people who were unable to look after their family due to either ill health or no work. It was a last refuge for anyone who was desperate or sick. The people who were admitted to the workhouse lost any sense of being a human being. They had no choice in the matter because they were destitute.

Maybe thats why people in the UK are so hard these days. It was a case of live or die and this was only around 100 years ago.

Some people think that as a race the British are fighters. They had to be and we today are a result of their efforts.

Some still live in dumps but we do have a national pride that is in our genes and are fighters for what is right.

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was there as much crime then? how was society in general? we are given more now to make our lives more *comfortable* but is this helping in other areas of life.


There appears to be no sense of community now and you hear of people standing to oneside watching as another gets murdered or raped in the street or on a bus? would this of happened 100 years ago?


did people feel safe enough to leave there front doors open 100 years ago?

is this the answer to problems in society to provide material items and decadent lifestyles? I would hope there was more to life than that.


what has happened to humanity.

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Actually, human nature is still the same now as it ever was. All that's changed are the social structures and the clothes. Read a little into history, and you hear more or less of the same stuff, all the time.


I think you're a valuable person because you're thoughtful; literally, you think. Not everyone does. It's not that there's anything wrong with them, but I find we need a balance between thinkers and doers in the world, or stupid things like Naziism and the Ku Klux Klan happen more often. It's people who think a little more deeply, who've been hurt themselves, who step back and say, "now, wait a minute. I don't think we should kill Bob just because he's different."


Suffering, and even more than that, reflecting on the meaning of our suffering, gives us the ability to empathize.


We go into the world to change it. If we leave the world, we are surrendering to the evil we find there. It's worth staying, if only to have one conversation, with one person, let alone many conversations, with thousands.

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