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So in 2 days it's my ex's birthday. 8 months after the breakup. I have been over her, and in general, I'd say that I'm feeling angry bout her actions. I DON"T want her back, and we haven't spoken for about 7 months. I'm thinking not to contact her for wishes or whatever. Completely ignore her birthday. The problem is that she txt'ed me on my birthday, to which I didn't reply. So I'm thinking maybe she'll get upset and try to contact me for explanations. I don't want this to happen. I chose to completely shut her off my life and I think I might get very upset and rude to her, in the event of a contact. If I contact her I was thinking a very casual "happy birthday" text message and leave it at that. Any advice ?



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If you want her completely out of your life, then leave her completely our of your life. Don't contact her even with a thoughtful message. If she does try to contact you, don't answer/don't reply. Simply walk away from all encounters. In the long run, it would be cruel and hurtful to her for you to open the door even a smidge. And spend the effort contacting her if you don't want to?

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If you want her completely out of your life, then leave her completely our of your life. Don't contact her even with a thoughtful message. If she does try to contact you, don't answer/don't reply. Simply walk away from all encounters. In the long run, it would be cruel and hurtful to her for you to open the door even a smidge. And spend the effort contacting her if you don't want to?


I agree, you've managed to stay strong so long. Don't give in. She should understand not getting a birthday wish from you. You two have been out of touch for 7 months.

Don't go backwards.


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If you want her completely out of your life, then leave her completely our of your life. Don't contact her even with a thoughtful message. If she does try to contact you, don't answer/don't reply. Simply walk away from all encounters. In the long run, it would be cruel and hurtful to her for you to open the door even a smidge. And spend the effort contacting her if you don't want to?


She broke up w/ me, not I so I don't think it would be hurtful for her to receive wishes from me... But she's a very selfish ****( as she proved to me) so I think she could make a fuss about me ignoring her ( it would be a very big wound for her ego)...

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If she's a selfish ****, wouldn't you say that she doesn't even deserve a birthday message? The only situation in which you should contact her is if you're completely over things (which you say you are) AND want her in your life as a friend. That definitely doesn't seem to be the case...so just let it be, and let her ego get bruised as a consequence for doing what she did.

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If she's a selfish ****, wouldn't you say that she doesn't even deserve a birthday message? The only situation in which you should contact her is if you're completely over things (which you say you are) AND want her in your life as a friend. That definitely doesn't seem to be the case...so just let it be, and let her ego get bruised as a consequence for doing what she did.


You're so right... my hugs and thanks to you....

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Well, it was my B-day yesterday and my ex didn't contact me. It was her B-day 2 weeks ago and I didn't contact her, so I think this is retaliation by her. She wants to "be friends", but I won't give her the luxury, as she left me. We have been NC for almost 3 months, but I guess no news is good news. I think it's just best to leave things in the dark when it comes to this.

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