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I know ALL the tricks of the trade! (says the girl posting on ENA at 4:13am - but I just finished writing an essay! I have a good excuse!)


But seriously, I used to suffer from insomnia, and learned some really helpful hints.


The trick is to work with your hormones and get them used to a schedule by doing the following:


1. sleep with your blinds open so that you wake up with proper sunshine in the morning.

2. get yourself started on a routine before bed starting at least half an hour before you close your eyes. (brush your teeth at the same time, and close your eyes at the same time every night AND KEEP THEM CLOSED - I know it's hard, but even if you're not sleeping, resting is better than being fully awake, and your body will eventually learn to fall asleep at that time) The regular routine will also teach your body that when you begin your routine, it's time to start shutting down.

3. most importantly if you cant follow either of the above mentioned rules, YOU MUST go to bed at the SAME time every night.


Hope you catch some Zs!

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I found that I had to take my bedroom and make it back into a BED ROOM again. A bed , the dressers, that's it.


I was lying awake with the desk and the TV and the computer and all and working from the bed alot unti lwhen I DID clean it off to sleep, I couldn't.


(not that I am doing all so hot right now... 453 am and I am still awake) Grrr

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1. No TV or computer in your bedroom. This is a big one- they can be very distracting!


2. Bedroom is for sleep and sex only- no reading or studying! if you train your mind and body what your bedroom is for, you will be more inclined to sleep when you are in there.


3. Set a time schedule when to go to bed and try not to deviate from it more than 30 minutes, even if you have to turn off the lights and rest for awhile before sleep comes.


4. Wake up at the same time every day- even on your days off. This can be hard because we may be tempted to 'bank' sleep on the weekends to make up for less during the week, but then come Sunday night there we are, wide awake at 11pm!


5. Set up a bedtime ritual, a cup of herbal tea, or warmed milk, the news on tv or reading a book (both in the living room!) for 30 minutes or so to wind yourself down.


6. Avoid phone calls for 30 minutes before bed- they can wind you up and get you thinking too.


7. No exercise for 3 hours before bed. Believe it or not, that can keep you up too! But exercising regularly throughout the day is a good habit- take a walk at lunch break, park your car farthest from the building and walk, a slow walk after dinner, if it's not too late, will help get your fresh air and relaax you.


8. If outside noices bother you, try a fan or an air purifier to create some 'white noise' that you can get used to in order to drown out the outside noices.


9. No cellphones in the bedroom, and turn your house phone ringer off in the bedroom so phone calls won't disturb you.


Hope this helps!

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