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What is LC?

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Yup..."limited contact"


Usually suggested in the context of when the people breaking up have children. They cannot go NC (no contact) because of visitation or other issues concerning the kids that require them to communicate with each other.


I suppose it could also apply if you dated someone you worked with, broke up, and still had to work in the same place and deal with each other there.

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As a side not to what shes2smart said, LC could also be a sort of "responsive contact." Meaning, you make no effort to contact the other person, but when they call you, you don't ignore the call and pick up, making it quick, of course. Or if they say hi to you in the street, you say hi back instead of turning around on your heel and walking away. However, LC does NOT mean hanging out everywhere they might be and setting yourself up for contact. It just means responding to them if they do contact you. But that's just my interpretation.

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