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Okay last time I talked to her was last month and that was on the phone. She got with a guy 2 weeks after she broke it off with me and claims she loves him already. How can I tell? By her myspace saying she loves him and its only been 2 months they've been going out. After I talked to her last month, I did NC and deleted her myspace. Today she just messaged me and asks how ive been. Why would she still want something to do with me? Can anyone answer this because I'm confused.

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Bro, just forget about her. I have the same problem. My Ex is already dating other guys after telling me she doesn't want to date b/c of extra curricular activities. If she's contacting you ignore it, its not a sign, no wishful thinking. You seem well off, just brush it off and hold your head high.

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Nobody can say for sure what her relationship with the other guy is like...but you definitely shouldn't think anything of the message. Maybe she thinks that after a month of NC, you're over the romantic attachment and are ready to just be friends, so she's just checking in. Or maybe she wants to see that you're still unhappy without her and get that ego boost for herself. At any rate, it's highly unlikely that she actually wants to give things another try, so like Layword said, ignore it. Unless, of course, you have moved on and want to be friends...but judging by your post, I don't think you are.

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