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Was She Just Drunk or Was She Very Jealous? Help!!


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So I'm very confused here. On Saturday, I went to this bar with one of my buddies and my ex g/f. Well, my ex still wants to be with me, but I refuse too and I try to be friends with her, which can be difficult sometimes. Anyways, I run into this girl at the bar that I have known for a while, because she is a cousin of one of my friends. We really don't talk very much, simply because I think she is kind of stuck-up and snobby, but she has her days when she is very nice. We have danced a few times, and have flirted, but never really went beyond that. I never can tell if she seems interested in me or not, and there are times where she won't even say a word to me. So anyways, this girl sees me with my ex, and things just went downhill from there. Well this girl starts dancing with me for a while, and I didn't really mind at all, and then she is asking me questions like 'Why are you with that b****?, etc, etc. It seemed like to me that she was getting jealous, but I don't know. I tell her I am not with her, and that we are just friends. Well then later on, this girl keeps picking fights with my ex, just calling her every name in the book. And so my ex is calling her names, but it never really escalates into anymore. And then later on, she had left. So my question is, is this girl into me or what? She had some other guy with her, but she never paid attention to him, but he wasn't her boyfriend or anything. She had her eyes set on me the whole time. I always run into her on the weekends, so what should I do? Why did she care now about who I was with and all that? I would love any advice for the next step I should take.

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Sounds like a bit of drunkeness with underlying jealousy. If she ignored the other guy and had her eyes set on you, then Yes she was into you. It is not likely she would pick a fight with another chick unless she had feelings for you.


I would get her number, call her up and ask her what the deal was about the other night. Might as well get it worked out now before you run into her at another place with a girl that you ARE really into. Then it wouldn't be such a funny situation.

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Um...if she's snobby and stuck up (which I presume are some things you don't like) why does it matter if she's interested?


Regardless, if she is, she's handling it the wrong way. If I'm friends with my ex, I expect my other friends to treat him as such. As in, treating him with respect. No name calling, no push-comes-to-shove type of situations.


In this case, I think you're 'new girl' has a bad case of the immaturities! She's acting like a teeny bopper at a Hanson concert or something! lol


All in all, I don't think it matters if this girl is interested in you. She's not someone who respects your peers. Maybe you and I disagree on things but that's not something I look for in a potential relationship.


P.S. Being friends with an ex that still wants to be with you seems a bit illogical to me as well. It could very well explain why you're attracting this kind of behavior from someone. Maybe this girl feels like you're goading her into a female competitive zone or something.

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She does not have to be interested in you she could just hate your ex for some reason. However she could be into you and got jealous, you will probably never know the truth unless you get to know this girl better, so why not try it.


True but, if she doesn't know him that well how in the heck does she know his ex enough to judge and start a fight with her? It sounds like a simple case of alcohol mixed with jealousy to me.

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Often its very difficult to figure out exactly why people do things - especially if they are of the opposite sex. I still think you should go talk to her, tell her you enjoyed the attention. Be "funny and cocky" about it. I don't know but if some girl did that to me then i'd be doing a follow up on that. At the very least you will be able to put this thing to rest.

If she is really into then she is probably wondering if you are asleep at the wheel.

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