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We Re-united But I Want Out Again!

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I broke up with him at the end of August....by the end of September, we just picked up where we left off. I love him with all of my heart but everything I hoped for in this relationship is going down the drain. We are Long-Distance; I haven't seen him in 3 1/2 months; he has no goals, no ambition; he hasn't had a job in 4 months; he lives with his mom. He hasn't come to visit me in all this time because he has no money, because he has no job.




I really am so frustrated because I'm a very loyal girlfriend and I feel bad about leaving him. But I asked my mother and my girl friend if it's wrong to break up with someone because they have no job, and they both said that if he has no job NOR ambition, then there's nothing wrong with it.


I don't know, it's just starting to seem to me as if he's just flat out LAZY!!!



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Hi There,


Well, I guess my first question is, what made you take him back if nothing had changed from when you broke up in the first place?


Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


I'm just wondering, how you felt things would be different this time if the reasons you broke up had not changed?

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Well, at first it was the issue of our distance. He moved back to his hometown when we graduated earlier this year. So we've been long distance since then! I would ask him all the time when would we be able to close the distance between us and he would always say he didn't know. I told him I would NEVER knowingly be in a LD relationship; the only way I feel that LD relationships work is if they are temporary.....if there is light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.


He had no plans of moving back to where I am, so when I suggested that I move to where he is, he was in agreement....HOWEVER i couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't feel right . I felt like if he wanted me to move there with him, he would have at the very least brought up the subject before I did. I don't know I felt funny about it so I made the decision to stay put until I could get something more solid from him. He still couldn't be firm in expressing the desire to be together, so I told him I wanted us to be apart. [-(


A month later, we talked and he laid it all out on the table. He suggested that first we do X, then we do Y, then we could do Z. I was very happy that he was finally sounding more convinced that he wanted this to work so I just picked back up where we left off.


I just seem to be in the same boat again and I have about had it!! We have such a cute story of when we met. I wrote about it on here last August. I can't believe now, I'm writing about breaking up with him

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