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Creative way of asking a girl to be your girlfriend

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Aww he's only 15! They can do awkward things like that. It's cute!


I've always liked the note passing thing. You know with the check box? One for yes and one for no.


But I love cheesyness.


What's this girl like? Does she like it when your super romantic? What makes her smile? Maybe you could do something relating to that?

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Ah, I remember that age too when you "asked" someone to be your girlfriend...


One of my friends had a boyfriend ask her on her birthday, he gave her a cute inexpensive ring (like $10) for her birthday gift, then pulled out another one of the same kind but a bit different if she would be his girlfriend.


Generally, from my experience most of the time you just asked if you wanted to "go out" as that meant as girlfriend/boyfriend, and people knew what it meant.

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she lovessss holding hands, cuddling, and hugs better than kissing and stuff. shes realllllllllllllly religious (christian), she loves funny stuff, and uh we live only like 5 houses away from each other? =P



Well these are all good signs if you are holding hands and kissing .. maybe she thinks she already is your girlfriend! especially if you say she is really religious

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wellllllllllllllllllll she says we're not official, because i havent asked her yet



so she has said she WANTS you to ask her?


so ask her!!



Say" I know its important to you that I ask you to be my girlfriend... I really enjoy spending time with you ( insert whatever else you like about her!) and i would like you to be my girlfriend"


feel free to give her a single rose or something if you think she will appreciate it or you are that way inclined..


good luck!

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