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Shes allways on my mind is this normal?

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ok first ill tell you the story and everything so you know what happened,


Well one day i was on my way home from school on my bus, all of a sudden a girl started to talk to me, which at that time i did not know her, after that day meeting that beautiful girl i just couldnt stand not bein able to see her every day so she was on my mind all day long 24/7. But after the bus ride every day me and her would meet up at school and just hang out and talk to each other. Every time we would see each other I allways just wanted to say to her "can i kiss you". now i know that sounds lame but i would love that. But then mabye two weeks of knowing her I relized that she had a boy friend so i just went along with it when her boyfriend was around but inside i felt like my heart was melting in pain.


So what im asking of you is is this normal or abnormal and should i try to keep going fopr her even though she has a boyfriend. and should i just straight up aske her "can i kiss you". But if you can reply i would deeply appritiate it. Thanks

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I have that feeling to about a man I like. He's always on my mind and I'm not sure he has a girlfriend, but he certainly acts a fool around me when we are alone.


Like you I just wish I could kiss him, I guess you are in love with her and I guess for you it's a waiting game.


Sometimes I just want to scream at him to do it, and I just go mad because I want to see him and just have a laugh with him and hope.


Mad in the head not mad mad.


He's on my mind all the time, even when I'm watching tv or doing something. I had to stop reading a book because I couldn't concentrate.


It's hard for me because I never expected this to happen to me. I always expected to be alone, but he just kinda krept up on me and I want to try at least something, but I'm scared and I think he is too.


I just don't know because I am new to all this.

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Well around me shes like any other girl thats around someone just chillin talkin about stuff that doeesnt even make sense, you know friend kinda talk


And the only thing she does out of the ordinary from what i think is i think shes like giving me hints about going out and stuff (like leanin up on my shoulder while on the bus and just looking at me with a smile and her allways asking me what she should wear the next day) but thats about it.



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Don't expect results, remember she's already got a boyfriend and that's another hurdle to jump over. If you do want her, and she wants you, make sure she isn't attached or you'll have more trouble than you can handle.


Take things slowly. Drop subtle hints, if she's touching you in a certain way, do the same back, but don't go any further unless she does.

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Nah it's just this man came to work where I work and for so many years I never really noticed him, until now and we seem to get on well.


He's a very nice fellow and we always seem to have discussions on certain things which I find fun.


I notice as well he smiles alot when I'm around. There was a day when he looked down in the dumps and when I asked him what was wrong he wouldn't say. But when I spoke to him he seemed to smile.


He's always on my mind and I find that I may be falling in love with him. I don't know because I've never been in love and he is the first man I've let in. Most of the time I build up a wall so they can't pass, but everything is different for him.


I just want to tell him how I feel, but you could say I'm scared of the outcome. Maybe it's because he's a good friend that I don't want to lose him should things go wrong.


But I just want him to embrace me and to hold me, to feel him close.

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Man i like this i can just talk to a grown woman that knows all about love over the internet, sorry about that im just a huge love fan im not like most guys where they look at a woman or girl and say ohh i want ta get in that. i focus in on one girl and i am very picky im 15 im a sophmore in high school and ive only been in one relationship so i choose my wemon or girls wisly and make sure these relationships last thats why i feel weird about just seeing this girl and all of a sudden falling in love with her

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Yes but that is what is weird. I have never experienced love before.


I have never had the inclination to love another until now.


I never use age as a barrier and that is why I have a broad age range in friends.


I never expected to fall in love with him, it just happened. He's worked there for a year or two and only now have I noticed him.

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