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I was with this guy for one and a half year. He was the guy i really loved alot all my life. He's the only one who really loves me and cares for me. He showed me what happiness and family was.


He is actually older than me by 11 yrs, but even so we have never had any disagreements nor age gap problems. We got along very well and were even planning on getting married next year. I rally love him alot and he has really become a part of my life as in whatever i do i will think of him.


The only thing is that he can't stand people who lie to him. And recently i lied to him and he told me to go home. (i was actually staying with him for the one and a half year) And before that when i was with him, i was with his working partner. We did 'that thing' together but not long after i realised that his partner was those kind who only wants that kind of thing. so i broke up with with and got together with my present boyfriend.


This matter somehow got to my boyfriends mother and she was very angry as she knows the guy and she felt ashamed. She scolded my boyfriend for choosing me as a girlfriend. She even told him that she does not want this kind of daughter in law. So even if he brought me home, it would be no use, she said. So yesterday, my boyfriend called me to say that it would be better if we break up for a while. He said that next time we might still have a chance to get back together.


He said that if i find someone else better than him, go ahead. If not by then if i'm still single, he would give me a chance to get back together again. I told him that i would wait for him to give me that chance, because i really can't let go of him i really love him too much. He's really become a part of my life. Nobody else can replace him. I also asked him yesterday whether he still loved me alot and he said yes, it;s just that his mother and stuff like that. He really wanted to get back with me but recedntly with all this problems and his business not doing well, he just wants to be alone for the time-being, with not so much troubles.


I'm really very sad, all this happened too soon and i really do not want to break up with him.If you really love someone, you should learn to let him go and understand. I love him and thats why i agreed to the break up and he too promised me that he would give me that chance, which would be half a year or one year later. That would be the time where hopefully his mother would have cooled down.


Can you imagine that i have been crying for non stop three days. I am even crying right now as i write this letter. I really don;t want to forget him. I love him too much. He's the very first guy who treats me real well and gives me the sense of security. I really miss him alot and i really want to hug him in my arms now. Now that i am staying at my fathers house, i really am at a loss, i feel so lonely and feel that i just might go crazy anytime. I have no one to talk to at home and it's at that time where i really miss him. Miss the times where we cuddle each other to sllep, where i do househole chores for him, see him wake up and hug me.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you have faith that you are going to get a second chance and that he just needs the time to work things out then you should think about drying your tears and work on loving yourself and enjoying the things you have in your life.


I recently got divorced and thought that I would never find anyone that would love me ever again. I am now having fun trying to date again, although at times it is frustrating and I don't know if the men I seem to be attracted to are interested since I like those really shy guys. I am a stronger person for picking myself up and working to better myself.


If you focus on yourself and where you want to be, besides with him, you will see that in the end you will either be back together in no time or you will be just fine without him and Mr. Right will find you and sweep you off your feet.


Best of luck!!!

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If you focus on yourself and where you want to be, besides with him, you will see that in the end you will either be back together in no time or you will be just fine without him and Mr. Right will find you and sweep you off your feet.



Aye, exactly. The thing I see here (this is going to be harsh) is that your feelings for him were not nearly as strong as you thought/felt they were at that point in time. I know just the situation from his stand point as I have been there before. To me when it happened there was no bigger insult in the world.


By telling you that if you find another to go for it, is kinda like his own personall safety net and also a warning that if you doubt your loyalty, to not even try. I've said dimilar things before but in different wording. But after being with another while you were with him he still talks to you, consider yourself lucky. One of my ex's cheated on me with someone I thought at that time was a friend, I stopped talking to them both as soon as I found out and have not seen either since...I did find out a few years later though that what they had followed suit after I went my way and in time they had a very bad break up..now hating eachother..after conceiving a child that they both are part of now.


"Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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  • 1 year later...

i dont really get the part when u said that you did "that thing" with someonelese. did u do it when you were still with ur "real" boyfriend? or before you even went out with him? cos if my first guess is right, that means u cheated on him. and i'm afraid i'm not impressed by that. surely i do understand why ur boyfriend was angry, cos he felt he was betrayed. once trust is broken, it's very difficult to get that back. sorry....it's the truth.


i dont think i can help you here. according to you, his mother knows that you had sex with another guy, while you were going out with her son. whose mother wouldnt freak out? i'm not trying to scare you off or something, but i'd just want you to see things from her perspective. and from your boyfriend's perspective as well. i know you still love him and that you trully regret what you did, but i'm afraid i dont see how you can ever get the trust (or respect, in this matter) from his mother again, even though you may get your boyfriend's. i'm so sorry.....maybe all you can do now is to try and forget all these. forget your boyfriend, forget what you did, just move on, okay? let all these be a lesson in your life. let the time heal you.

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Yo sadgirl,


I am sorry to hear about your situation - I gather you

are from singapore - which means your chinese. I am

chinese myself, and so I understand what is going on -

by the way - the last post - sadgirl did not cheat - she

was just saying that her last boyfriend just wanted sex -

and I know alot of Chinese girls cannot tolerate that

very much - so that's why she broke up with her last

boyfriend (the current boyfriend's work partner).


I just wanted to say sadgirl, that it would be good to give

him time - you see, a lot of chinese men still listen to

their parents too much I think - they do not realize that

they should do what will make themselves happy, not

what will make the parents happy. I know it is hard for

him, that's why he needs some time to think - it takes some

time to "cut" the parents strings - he is in that period now where

he is deciding whether to "cut" the strings, or listen to his parents.

On top of that, his career and work is not going very well now -

so he has a lot of things to think about - basically, he is in a period

of change in his life, and he needs some time to get a hold of himself

before he can decide whether to move forward with you or not.

That is what I think.


I wish actually sadgirl that my ex-girlfriend was like you - she didn't

give me the time. I was in a period where I everything not going well

for me - I was at a job I liked, but I hated the city I was in - my parents

did not really like her, but I still loved her. I still wanted to be with her

but she did not give me the chance - I wish she would have phoned me

even just once a week or something, but she never did - she basically

did not wait for me to get my feet back on the ground, and so she has

moved on. I still love her and think about her (its been 1 month) - but

she did not want to wait for me to get better.


Good luck sad girl - keep us posted.



I wished my ex-girlfriend just gave me some

time. But I wou

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hi there..i knew how u felt....This will be a difficult time for u...but this is not the end of lifE!!there is a bright future ahead of u..im sure tat u will overcome this feelings soon...jus take it tat there must be something behind all this events....maby He(GOD) wants to see hows strong u can overcome this.....


Everyone in this world,had experiece this situation.....its jus depends on u...how long u take it to cured it....its all depend on u!!so wat is my adviced is dun forget him.....let the happy moments be in ur hearts...at least u spent sometimes wif him...u should be glad....ur journey of life is not tat bad....he still love u not like some others guys...who simply dumped the girls....so make urself busy in order to cured all the broken pieces of ur hearts...its really works..believe me!!So take my last words....IF U ARE FATED TO BE WITH HIM,BELIEVE ME HE WILL STILL BE URS.....NO MATTER WAT HAPPENED!!!its jus the matter of time..let the time decide everything....take care

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