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So me and this girl are pretty interested in each other, we're getting to know each other and stuff, but there's a problem. this other girl is really infatuated with me, and makes all these attempts to be approachable and stuff but she's like...not my type at all. what's really annoying is that since she watches me like a hawk and has nearly all my classes, the 2 classes i have with the girl i like she watches me and what im doing like ALL the time. ok so, this girl noticed me and her are pretty interested in each other, and she like decides to step her game up by dressing $!#77y, wearing more make-up, etc. and she tries to be non-verbally flirty a lot, and its pretty annoying since all my signs back are negative.


my question is how the do i stop stuff like this? talking more with the girl i like just tends to spike her jealousy and make her try harder. i dont wanna be mean or anything, i just want to get the message accross that i am not interested whatsoever. the funny thing to me is, what do i do that signals interest? because the only signal ive given her is that im not interested. i usually get the feeling she's looking at me so i look at her and make a disinterested/weird face and look away. that's about it.


so, maybe if someone knows what i can do to make this go away that'd be awesome.



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Well, for one thing, I hate those kinds of girls, hehe. Anyways, I think you're best bet is to ignore it. Keep talking to the girl you like. Let the other girl make a fool of herself and go all the way. How much worse can she dress than $!#77Y? She won't go nude to school...But, let the girl you like know that you're interested in her. She may feel like the other girl is intruding and may be scared that you like the other one back. Don't even bother with the other girl...Don't even look at her, or make eye contact. She'll get the message, if she's smart enough. If this $!#77Y girl asks you out or w/e then you can tell her you aren't interested whatsoever.

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I dunno about what angel said

in my experience the less interested you act in someone the more interested they become. Its basic human nature the more you cant have something the more you want it. What i would do is tell the $!#77Y your not interested bluntly. That should get rid of her. then try persue the girl u like.


Just a suggestion neway

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I like what angel said but believe that you have already "made eye contact" with the girl who is pursuing you. You didn't mention if you have dated the pursuer in the past. Jealousy usually stems from feelings of "ownership" of another and not from someone who is infatuated and hasn't had a relationship with the person.


That said, I agree with Angel. Ignore her, don't acknowledge her with any eye contact, pretend she doesn't exist.

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