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are girls that much easier when they drink?

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i've realized with this girl i like she becomes much more touchy-feely and takes more initiative when she has the smallest amount of alcohol in her (not saying that's WHY she's so friendly, but i'm sure it contributes and is consequential of the drinking)... however she says she's entirely sober and myself and everyone can tell she is... so i'm asking you ladies does the slightest amount of alcohol loosen you up, even if you're extremely straight-minded?? also, if you realize you're being too aggressive with a guy (that you take interest in and once you realize he is interested too) do you tend to switch-up your game sotospeak, and become more unavailable and distant to perhaps drive a man to desire you more and make the situation more interesting, a "hunt" if you will? thanks guys, love ya!

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The answer to your first question is yup, alcohol brings down inhibitions and makes it easier for you to get sexual with them.


The second is a bit more complicated and depends on exactly what's going on. Sometimes it's a test, sometimes it's because you failed a test and they've lost interest. Sometimes it's due to something called buyer's remose, where if they've gone to far with you and you haven't managed the situation right with them, they'll feel like a hooker and push away because of that.

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i've realized with this girl i like she becomes much more touchy-feely and takes more initiative when she has the smallest amount of alcohol in her (not saying that's WHY she's so friendly, but i'm sure it contributes and is consequential of the drinking)... however she says she's entirely sober and myself and everyone can tell she is... so i'm asking you ladies does the slightest amount of alcohol loosen you up, even if you're extremely straight-minded?? also, if you realize you're being too aggressive with a guy (that you take interest in and once you realize he is interested too) do you tend to switch-up your game sotospeak, and become more unavailable and distant to perhaps drive a man to desire you more and make the situation more interesting, a "hunt" if you will? thanks guys, love ya!

All the time. I have seen them do some crazy things while under the influence.

Tequila is best.

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The 1st q: depends on the person. I'm with agent - if I wouldn't touch you while sober, I wouldn't be touching you while drinking. Actually, in my case, I'd be even more distant and harsh. Tis why I do not drink much!


Second Q: Do you want to play games? Never mind why she acts like that. If she is testing you or playing around - do you want to play too? Do you want to be tested?


So long as her behavior is reasonable and is respectful towards you, go with the flow. It could be any one of the things Helloladies listed, or she could be distant bc she is busy, or because she has her period, or because she is unstable, or because.....


you get the idea. When in doubt, talk to her instead of guessing. Honesty and being direct kills games dead on the spot.


Edit: My guess is that if 1 or 2 beers makes her act all weird, she most likely is just playing it up. Booze is the excuse to play out. Especially if she is young. (I find this exceptionally irritating).

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Well at least for me, alcohol is like an aphrodisiac or something.


I don´t drink to celebrate, to party or to have fun. I don´t even find alcohol tasty and yummy. I basically use it as a legal recreational drug when I wanna get in the mood for, you know.


Alcohol loosens me up for sure. About 3 or 4 glasses of wine for example. I do have a little tolerance, I don´t "loosen up" with half a beer ya know what I´m sayin.


But as Itsallgrand says, I like who I like, and alcohol is not gonna make me be into some guy I´m not attracted to when sober. It only helps to have less inhibitions, to be more spontaneous and warm, but booze doesn´t make miracles either

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A beer or two can be all it takes. Alcohol affects everybody differently.


Appearing sober is not the same as being sober. Just because someone thinks they are sober and everyone else agree's is no test. Try that defence when you go drink driving..


Also, if you go out with a woman with the intent of getting her drunk so she'll have sex with you, that's rape.

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woah woah woah, guys don't even play me like that!! she wanted to go out and have good time! haha, she was rubbing up on me and wanted me to go back to her place, but i knew what was up so i declined her offer, because i respect women and could never go down that path! even after she ate, sobered up even more and i dropped her off, i went to give her a hug and she pulled me to her and we made out... we were holding hands the entire night... anyway, i'm just hoping that wasn't the two beers "talking" and not her... the next time i hung out with her it was like a friend thing, but we were in a different environment with a bunch of my friends whom she didn't know...

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i've realized with this girl i like she becomes much more touchy-feely and takes more initiative when she has the smallest amount of alcohol in her (not saying that's WHY she's so friendly, but i'm sure it contributes and is consequential of the drinking)... however she says she's entirely sober and myself and everyone can tell she is... so i'm asking you ladies does the slightest amount of alcohol loosen you up, even if you're extremely straight-minded?? also, if you realize you're being too aggressive with a guy (that you take interest in and once you realize he is interested too) do you tend to switch-up your game sotospeak, and become more unavailable and distant to perhaps drive a man to desire you more and make the situation more interesting, a "hunt" if you will? thanks guys, love ya!


I have witnessed some seriously unbelievaable stuff happen at party's .. especially after the drink started flowing. ..... I am talking gangbangs, 3- somes, etc.... serious stuff.

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