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Hey kids,


A friend of mine has presented me with 2 tickets to a concert, the band in question happens to be one I'm not too fond of but my ex worships...


I'm thinking of letting her have them, and before you start with the "dude, you won't win her back with gifts" that's not my intention (although I still kinda do want to get back with her), I plan to give them to a mutual friend to give to her under the premise that the friend doesn't say who they're from.


Should I or shall I sell them on ebay and use the proceeds to buy something for the most awesome person I know... me?

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Why'd you get them from the friend? Are you sure they wouldn't want them back?


If it was just a gift there's no harm in getting some cash off of them- I don't see the point in giving them to your ex. Maybe I'm just a selfish person and I know I'd want to benefit myself if I were you.

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Sell them to your ex lol


Nah just kidding, depends if your still friendly with your ex really? If you've been doing NC i wouldnt give them to her. I'd sell them on e-bay.


Or why not go, who knows who you could meet?! you might actually enjoy it!


Good point!


I may go along, try and get a photo with the band and send the photo to her with a note saying "ha ha ha ha" or words to that effect!

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