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update to here we go again that was posted in dating

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it has been since sat am that she bascially broke up with me over text.....i never responded and havent heard from her......i really miss her but i miss the girl who loved me not the one who can walk away.....we still have alot of mutual stuff which is why i cant understand if she was done why not just get it all done and over with i dont want to re open the wound....she has a habit of doing this and then comiong back because she knows i am always here...well i am strongthis time i want someone who wants me too!!!! this is very hard to not call her but i leanred my lesson AND JUST LET GO!

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Dear Dude,

My motto is "Let Go" and it is a good motto to live by. I used to hold on so tight that when my grip relaxed I was sore all over. I was in a long term (10 year) relationship that had a very painful and humiliating end about a year and a half ago. I learned so much from this experience. The main lesson was that life goes on and in many ways has become richer and more fun. It was like getting introduced to the guy I was when I was in my early 20s. I learned to live life for the day and enjoy the freedom of losing the 150 lb sack of flesh that I was carrying on my back. So don't sweat it. If you cast your eyes elsewhere, she'll probably try to come back into your view. If not, then just kick back and enjoy the scenery...

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