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hey.. i have a nice lil problem here.. i got together with my gf 2 months ago, after a few weeks i hurt myself and have been sitting at home outa work on workmans comp since.. i became a lil overbearing on my gf.. the last week we had fights every other day, even when i was wrong she would appologize the next day for even yelling though..


yesterday she was supposed to come over early and she never called or anything, just no show. me being my overbearing self called her a few too many times.. no answers.. went to her house lookin for her.. i was honestly worried where she was.. went out to a bridal shower night before. i got a msg from her online a lil angry, tellin me she needed a lil her time.. ( i had no clue y at the time).. and tellin me to stop callin and dont show up again.. i responded with a txt msg tellin her we're done.. i over reacted big time.. later i found out her grandmother had died. of course i feel like the biggest * * * in the world. if


i had known i woulda been by her side in a heartbeat..

anyway.. i was still a lil overbearin yesterday tryin to get her to talk to me, even knockin on her window at night.. yeah, i was also on my pain medication which i promised i wouldn't take anymore but i had to relax... didn't work.


now, what i plan on doing is giving her few days of no contact.. let her cool.. then send her a msg saying something liek. he told me.. give her a day or two.. dont contact her AT ALL... then send her a msg saying something like this.. "i dont want it to end like this, if its going to give me a chance to explain and tell you how much i care about you.. I * * * *ed up big time and I'm sorry"


is there anything else i can do to fix my ultimate * * * * up..i love this girl to death, she is everythign i ever wanted. she is unusually understanding.. and not to upset any women here.. but my gf is also in middle of her period, yeah.. everything stacked against me.

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i also know a lot of u will say short relationship.. dont wry.. i've never met a girl like this.. its cause it was so early in and we had * * * * happen.. me getting injured and outa work.. and her grandmother dieing.. it all piled quickly. she is simply what i've wanted for a long time

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that is a lot of pressure on a young relationship, but you have to address the constant fighting/power struggles that seem to be happening early...


you might want to tell her that, the you have both been at low points and need a 'do-over' to start again fresh when neither are so stressed out. but that would definitely require apologies and talking with her about ways to deal with conflict that don't involve yelling and breakups... i.e., you could tell her you are sorry you feel like you have been overbearing, and ask her if there are things you do that really bother her, and if there are and you don't mind addressing those problems to have a more peaceful relationship, then she might be willing to stay with you.


...and tell her what you told us, that she is simply what you have wanted for a long time, and now that you've found it, it don't want to lose her to stupid petty fights brought on by stress...

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yeah.. a lot of pressure.. i forgot to add her parents are also divorcing.. then she works and school full time.. she is pressured a lot..


today is mon.. i think wed i'll send her a msg.. either txt or myspace.. short lil thing askin her to talk.. or something.. i dont wana wait for her to contact me.


also..we both have said that to eachother numerous times.. and how we are so shocked that we had these feelings so quickly.. i have confidence that no contact will help a lot and she'll come around.

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