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Is she doing this just to get me jealous?

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Well haven't looked at her myspace lately but I accidentaly went on it by accident because I was browsing through my history. Well its different now. Like she knows I used to look at her page all the time and maybe she still thinks I look at it alot. I wasn't really bothered but yeah she actually put a picture up of him and her and she put everything about him about how much she's "IN LOVE" with him. Just wanted to ask your guys opinions although I still have a bit of feelings for her but not bothered as much as before. I'm holding myself up and trying not to let myself down. It feels like I want to date again but the problem is I'm not healed completely.

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She could be doing it to make you jealous, or she could just be really excited about dating this new guy. Chances are, she isn't REALLY in love with him if she just got out of her relationship with you. Regardless of what her motives are, don't look at her myspace or facebook page if she has one; you need to completely cut her out of your life to move on, physically, mentally, emotionally and electronically!! You are only torturing yourself by trying to figure out who she is with and what she is up to. The extremely harsh fact of the matter is, she's moving on, and so should you.

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I'd say she isn't really in love...How long has she known this new guy? She may love his personality and looks, but not HIM. If she is trying to make you jealous, isn't that kind of low? Why would you want someone like that? You haven't healed completely, but you're almost there. I'd suggest going on a date with a girl you like, and then see what happens. I always find that feelings from past relationships fade, as soon as you find someone equally or better compatable with you. You must understand that you're ex-girlfriend wasn't the one and only. This is of course not the case. There are plenty of other girls out there that can be better at making you happy. Your girlfriend has been able to move on. She found a boyfriend and maybe fake love attached to it. You are taking it one step at a time, and that's a good thing. You want things to heal and then progress with something new. People operate differently. You'll definitely find a girl that's right for you and a girl that will want to be with you. Go on a date Have fun!

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