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Confused me with the Ex

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SO my last thread was about me breaking up with my boyfriend bc i was fed up with him bc he didnt seem to care about our relationship. well we started talking again and wanted to go out tonight. we get to this place where there is lots of restaurants. we had only been to this center once and ate at this hamburger and steak type restaurant. i was sure of this. when we got there he said "lets go to that chinese restaurant we went to last time" . i was confused, i had never been to that chines restaurant. i said "what the heck are you talking about we never went there!" he said, "oh sorry, i came with my ex, once, i forgot, sorry" i was soooo upset. i really broke up with him this time. would you all have done the same. this is the second time he mixed me up with someone else. once he mistook me the same way with some other girl he dated, like rememember that store we went to, i said nooooo i never went, it wasnt ME! and then he called me his x's name once too. whats up with him???? is he crazy or just not over them or what...i am soooo lost here or in denial, he said sorry no i dont care for them still, but i dont know what to think..what would you think or do

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Okay let me get this straight...he continues to confuse you with his other ex's? If I am correct here then I have a few things to say...


You deserve better then this! He can't even remember who he is with at one point in time. You deserve to be the center of a guy's world! He should remember your birthday, anniversary, and for god's sake your name!


If it was an honest mistake, he wouldn't have done it more than one time. I know this itsn't what you want to hear, but please take your situation and step outside of it as if you were a spectator. If one of your friend's boyfriends did this to them, what would you say and think?


How long were you together? How long were you broken up for and are you doing NC?


Let us know and good luck!

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Some people have a bad memory for stuff like that and it does not necessarily mean that he doesn't love you, loves his ex more or is being disrespectful. It's simply a bad memory.


In my opinion you over-reacted. The only way it could be his fault is if he did it deliberately.


There are times in a relationship that you just let the petty stuff go or make a joke of it.

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