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Girlfriends Mum Is Impossible

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gerrrr. me and my gf are pretty much on the verge of getting back 2gether. however we face one problem... my gf's mum.


life with her has never been easy. basically she has made it hard for my gf, if she were to get back with me, Val (my gf mum) wud be spiteful and make things impossible for her. she said she would be disappointed in her, wash her hands of her, evil stuff like that...my gf been my gf doesn't want her mum to be like that BUT when my gf does speak up, Val doesn't listen "blah i know best, i been there" Val doesn't want my gf making the same mistakes she has. fair enough. but by making my gf feel like she is now.. that's worse i feel.


so 2mora. i am going to send a text 2 Val, and i want to say i want to meet her for 10 mins to talk. threw out the day i think of things to say, but i always forget. so am asking you 2, what should i say 2 her? without coming accross as a fool etc. but make her see how stupid she is been,


help please

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Why doesn't she like you? Why did you and your girlfriend break up in the first place?


Most moms just want what's best for their babies. There's the occasional mom that is just irrational, but usually we're just looking out for our kids.


Also, using the phrase "I want you to see how stupid you've been" probably isn't your best bet.

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haha i wont say it like that lol but we split up after a year and 3 months cause things were going on and we wernt happy. that was 3 wks ago. and we have been gointg on dates and that since. and were happy,and we want to get back, but her mum is a huge problem

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It really depends on what kind of "things" were going on. If you did something to hurt her, her mother has no choice but to dislike you. If the breakup was mutual, but your ex went to her mom to complain about you, again, her mom has no choice. I think that the responsibility of making your ex's mom like you lies completely with your ex. Not a lot you can do but lay low.

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look from personal experiences the mom is posion waiting to happen - she will always interfere and if the girl cant stand up to the mom you have no chance of a decent future - leave it well alone.


I spent 4 yrs wondering why the mom hated me and when i confronted her she went looney and tore apart me - it will always affect me what she said but in the end the boy wouldnt go against the mom and i respect him for that not for not standing up for us but for respecting his mum


parents can interfere and you arent even married - imagine if you had kids - forget it - bdays xmas etc would never be the same

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Think carefull about what you'll say to her, because if you two do get back together, her mum is ALWAYS going to be there.


But also, if you really love this girl, then you've gotta respect her mum, don't go telling her that she's impossible or arguing with her, because girls love their mothers, and this WILL turn her mum against you even more, which will turn away the girl.


So be careful.


Good luck whatever happens.

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