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I posted this Ad as a cross dresser and hooked up with this hot guy. The guy seemed very eager to meet up so I thought why not! (I had photos of me with eye linners) He told me that the photos were hot and made his heart beat.


I told him that I wanted a descrete relation and that I would not cross dress in public. He said he was cool with it.


However, when he visited me. He left shortly before sex. He asked me about my dorm and if a lot of men were after me. I think I told him that only guy "friends" visited me. He also asked if the bath room in my dorm was public. He left shortly, saying that he had stage freight and if it was OK that he left.


What do you think caused his reaction?? I'm soo sad!

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Hmm, maybe he was a cop. Maybe he's never been with a Transexual and wanted to experience it but chickened out. Maybe he thought you were really experienced and maybe he's not and it freaked him out. Again, it probably wasn't to do with you so much as whatever it was on his agenda.

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Haido - I'm sorry to hear that you're sad and angry. Can't say I blame you but don't blame yourself. It CAN'T be because of you.


I think stage fright means just that. Could've been his first time and he chickened out...


Or he could have been after something that you may later feel VERY thankful you missed out on.


Sort of freaks me out all his questions about how public things were. Maybe he was interested in doing more harm than good and was gauging the risk of being caught......


It certainly had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him.

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