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I'm 15, a boy, and I want my best friend to be my girlfriend.

We go to school together, sit next to each other in every

class and spend about 2 hours after school together everyday.

We've known each other for about 5 months.

Here are a few things that will make this different (mostly good)


1. about 20 people already think were going out (and they talk

it while were sitting right there)

2. I'm pretty sure she already knows I like her

3. a few months ago she was the exact opposite of me,

now she acts almost just like me

4. heres one weird thing that I'm only going to briefly explain

We made a deal, she will buy me lunch for 2 months

(about $1.50 a day 5 days a week, about $80) and then I

will give her my computer (that I custom built)

5. we've got to the point it doesn't matter if anything is

mine or hers we just kinda take it

6. I had a paper due one day and she had already done it so she

told me to do exactly what she did and then gave me her paper.

7. every chance we get we try and be alone (maybe 1 hour a day)


I'm not sure what I should do or how she feels, I know I sound like a

flaming retard, but I've been wrong about this stuff in the past.

I'm a little scared to ask her out because she is my best friend and I

really want to move forward, and would hate to lose what I have with

her now.

sorry about my terrible grammer

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Hey DreamsTornApart,


If you've been best friends with this girls, why not just ask her? Instead of wondering all this time whether she wants to go further, maybe you could have already started dating. You spend so much time with her every day, I don't see why you haven't asked her. You can be totally open with her considering she's your best friend. If she says yes or no to your invitation for something more, nothing will necessarily back fire. Think of the possibilities now. If she says yes, than hooray, you two are dating. If she says no, then what? Sure you'll be crushed for a bit, but you'll still be best friends, right? I don't think anything can change the relationship you have with each other at the moment. There's no sense in hiding your true feelings for. Give it a try. Open up with her. She'll know you aren't a whimp . Take care.



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If asking her straight up seems too be a little daunting, why not ask her on a date-ish activity? Just the two of you, of course. See how she reacts.


Or you could make a joke about how your friends refer to you guys as a couple. Her response to that could potentially reveal a lot...

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If asking her straight up seems too be a little daunting, why not ask her on a date-ish activity? Just the two of you, of course. See how she reacts.


Or you could make a joke about how your friends refer to you guys as a couple. Her response to that could potentially reveal a lot...


Well a few days ago we were already on a date and she said

"yeah, why wouldn't we see one?"

this seems like a good thing but earlier today my friend made a joke about use already dating and she punched him. I don't know what to think of that.

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