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What do I do?

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I was really good friends with this guy, we weren't dating, but we would see each other many times a week and just hang out. He started getting the impression that I liked him, and consistantly told me that he didn't want to date... Which was fine as I'm wan't interested. Neither of us had partners, and I thought we both just enjoyed the company.


One night at the pub we got into a big argument and called each other names and I slapped him on the back in anger. Which obviously isn't good. But he appeared to forgive me, and I figured with time things would be ok.


After that things were a little strained between us, so I went over to his house about a week later to try and sort things out and appologise properly. Which is when things started getting really weird. He refused to talk to me, and then when I tried to ask him what was up, he punched me in the face 5-6 times, and kicked me in the chest and the stomach. He then told me I was insecure, and insane, and started repeating that he hated me over and over...


Now I have known this guy for 6 years and this is so out of character that it's scaring me. He did call me and appologise on the night but he told me it was in self defence, although I never lifted a finger the whole time. I have avoided him since, but he has taken up telling our mutual friends (we have all the same friends) that he hates me.?


I'm worried that there's something gone seriously wrong with him and I don't know what to do? I think he's taking some personal angst out on me or fixating it on me and I'm not sure why. Up until two weeks ago he was one of the nicest friends I had. I don't understand? What should I do? I'm worried if I run into him he'll fly off again.

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First of all, you slapping you in anger ( tho not right by any means ) doesn't warrant him to kick you in the stomach and punch you in the chest a week later...quite different from a slap.


I don't know what is it with him...perhaps he comes from an abusive family where he was beat up and went into some sort of shock when you slapped him...


If you want to work it out with him first you need to make sure he realizes what he did was very very wrong...otherwise avoid him as much as you can

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I think he needs help. I was considering going to his parents, i know them quite well and have am friends with his family. It feels a little weird considering I'm 25 going and telling someones parents that they are behaving badly, but I'm actually quite concerned about him.


We have been good friends for a very long time, and obviously I can't help him myself. Would that be an appropriate thing to do? I'm not sure what else I can do.

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This guy told you he hates you, and asked of you to leave him alone. Violence is wrong, from both your sides, so I suggest you back off, leave him alone, and get on with your own life. The stories will eventually die down, just tell your side of the story, and ask your friends to forget about it, that you are not friends with the guy anymore, but that you will not be rude to him at parties. If you see him again, be polite, but distance yourself from him totally.

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