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Dumb question but need to know LOL

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know that doing it over the phone or by email probably means you will have to break up with them again in person anyways. There will always be questions reguarding the breakup and in person both of you can give your own opinions and thoughts on the subject matter.

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lol jilligirl got a big ol rule book wrote up on it....lol just joking....but personally..i would prefer to do it in person...some people do it through e-mail, MSN, phone etc...but to me I would like to do it in person...seems more formal and that you at least care about their feelings...I know what its like to be with someone for over a year all together and break up over MSN...I called her wondering if someone hacked into her MSN account because I couldnt believe it...i was shocked...and she wouldnt pick up the phone...i was really left hanging on my own with no explanation lol.

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By dumping them over phone/email, you're basically ensuring that they're going to be at least somewhat pissed off. Seriously, imagine how you'd feel if you checked your email and found a message saying that you'd been dumped. Definitely not email. Phone, maybe.

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My ex dumped me by email...


And yes, it was awful and there can be no excuse for that. I wasn't abusive, I was (as she described me to her mother) the "nicest person she has ever met" and the "perfect boyfriend".


I work with her, we went to lunch together at our staff restaurant, had a cheeky kiss in the lift back to our respective floors... half an hour later I get the email!


Quite the headtrip I don't mind telling you... She said she did it by email because she has a problem expressing emotions so thought it would be better to send me an email, full of cliches instead!

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