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My life's adversities and our relationship

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There is a very wonderful lady in my life, we were friends before, but we have become so much more. At this time my life is very tumultuous, i'm handling a great deal of adversity at this time, and i'm not always the image of positivity. I'm trying to follow my dreams, facing setback, and still holding down a job, well until last friday. I as a man, i'm not the pillar of strength that I should be at this time, yet she is sticking by my side through all of this. My concern is that, her life isn't a bed of roses either, I don't want add any additional strain to her life. I don't feel comfortable showing my vulnerability with her, but she knows when something is wrong, so I can't hide it unless I stay away from her. She doesn't prohibit me from doing anything, she is in no way holding me back from doing anything. My feeling is that I'm too incomplete to be with her now. I'm not used to genuinely caring for anyone this much, nor having anyone stick by me like this, i'm used to fair weather friends. I just don't know if I should be alone and handle my situation, or really let her into my life under these circumstances. I just want to hear some other points of view besides my own.

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believe it or not, i actually enjoy it when my man shares his problems with me. it makes me feel trusted and like i am truly a part of his life and someone that he can confide in.


trials that you go through together, especially when they are not problems that you guys are having ABOUT your relationship, can actually make your bond stronger.


think really hard about leaving her just because you feel too vulnerable. you may find that she is more than willing to be a pillar to support you during your tough time. and that is not at all something for you to be ashamed of.

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I'm on the recieving end of what you're going through. Something is going on with my bf right now. I haven't heard from him in a week. I know he has a hard time dealing with stressful things and he tends to shut down instead of sharing them with me. I'm going crazy not knowing what's going on with him. I've been worrying about him all week. Talk to her. It's not a pretty thing what I'm going through right now, not knowing what's going on with him.

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