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Stupid problem!!!


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A few weeks ago I made a thread about me having a problem trying to get to know this girl that i liked, named Jessica by the way, thats not the problem anymore thankfully What happened was I was at the movies and there was a line up for the tickets so after I bought my ticket, I was waiting for my friend to buy his and I turned around and she was in the line too Acually my friend changed the time we were going to see the movie, if he hadn't I wouldnt seen her. That sounds like a sign to me lol. So I talked to her for a bit and it sort of broke the ice. So now we talk normaly.


Now the problem is, theres another guy that likes her. Our Geography class went on a school trip. And she sat beside him. I didn't worry because I thought as just "friends". We got to the first stop on the trip and he kept asking people to take there picture because she hates pictures because she is very shy. I thought this was a bit suspishes(sorry not sure how to spell that), but didn't think much of it. On the second stop, everytime we turned a corner he would put his arm around her and sort of "direct her" By this time I knew somthing was up. And he thought it was funny when he would put his head near her head and she would move her head back. He doesn't take a hint to well. On the third stop he was talking to people and he introduced him self and said "and this is my girlfriend Jessica" and she said a very loud "NO!" It made me laugh and the same thing for other people near by. Then on the bus ride back which takes 2 and a half hours, he kept putting his arm around her and hugging her. Her friend asked her if she even liked it when he did that and she shook her head "no". He then kept asking her if she had an "innie" or an "outie" for a belly buton.


She wouldnt answer and he kept asking her over and over again. One of her friends kept telling him to shut up because he was so annoying. Then I turned around from my seat and told him to shut up!!! He was driving me crazy!!!](*,) I heard him say to her I like you but she didn't say anything. He tells me he will kick my a** if I get near her, in a funny way. But I don't think its funny at all. He pretty much stalks her all day in school now, he skips class early to go to her locker at the end of the day and wait for her. I know for sure she doesnt want to go out with him, But he does, big time! How am I suppose to even talk to her with this guy beside 24-7?! Sorry for rambling on! Any advice would be great!

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Well he doesn't own her, you are just as much allowed to give it a try as he did. its her choice to be with whomever she chooses to be, that's fee wil, and if that person tells you he will kill you, you say she can choose for herself. Just go for it, and tell her you like her, and quickly bring it up to relationship level. Make as little contact with him, and as much contact with her behind his back. Make her fall in love with you. What would really work is that you say to her, i like to be with you but 'x' has threatened to kill me if you would choose for me, hopefully that will make her fall right into your hands, its worth a shot. Also make sure you always have people around you so that if that guy shows up, there are at least witnesses if he wants to hurt you. Don't let it stop you tho.

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