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Out of the blue?

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I've recently moved to a new city, and its refreshing, but I find that its hard to meet girls. I dont really know anyone here. I am not particularly shy, or bad at conversation once i get started, but the hard part is finding people to talk to. I go to restaurants/coffee shops/etc, and often seen girls that are there by themselves, eating and looking out the window, or something, they do not look busy or anything.


Is it creepy/weird to just go up and sit with a girl and try and talk to her? I consider myself a fairly attractive guy, and I'm pretty entertaining to talk to to when I get going, but I was just wondering a girl would get weirded out if some guy just went up to her and tried to talk to her while she was alone at the dining hall, or the coffee shop, or the gym even.



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I moved to a different city about 2 years ago after spending 20+ years in the same place.


Granted, I wasn't single when I moved here, but I did find out that if you're fairly new in town, you can strike up conversations with folks using that bit of info. If they've lived there for a while, most of 'em are happy to offer up opinions/advice about their town.


I bet you could use that "I'm new in town" angle to get a conversation started with one of those gals you see. Maybe ask their opinion on things like a decent auto repair place or where you can get the best steak in town. Once you get a conversation started, you'll probably be able to get a good read on if she's interested in talking more or not.


You can also use the tried-and-true methods of volunteering in your free time, joining a bowling league or something like that, or taking a class...all of which will give you built-in conversation starters.

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hey man I've done it where I walked up a girl I found interesting and just straight up talked to her and it worked out fine a couple of times, although I never got into a relationship with them.


So in my opinion it's not weird at all to just randomly go up to someone and talk. I wish more people would do that more often!

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